The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt. They have done abominable works. There is none who does good. (Psalm 14: 1)
I want to help us appreciate that atheism is a lifestyle as
opposed to a profession. Some of the most ardent atheists are eloquent
professors of faith. Atheism is a heart issue as this verse states.
What do I mean?
Atheism is a way of life. Simply speaking, atheism is a life
lived as if God isn’t. And you remember Jesus talking about a tree and its
fruit. Atheism is a life whose fruit demonstrates a negation of what God stands
for in His word.
The US is voting and I think that is where I will start.
God is the creator of life and clearly hates murder. One
ticket stands for abortion that I won’t be surprised if they made a law
allowing it for a day old child (they already allowed partial birth abortion,
meaning that a child can be killed as it comes out of its mother’s womb).
I have seen a quote by a pastor that goes something like
this, ‘a believer who votes for a candidate who supports abortion becomes an
accessory to murder that we know abortion is’.
The same ticket pushes for legalizing of prostitution as
they have for years done for homosexuality to the point of punishing (and did
they punish!) anyone who refused to cooperate (remember the businesses and
ministries that had to close because they couldn’t pay the heavy fines demanded
when they refused to actively support the abomination?). That ticket
criminalized freedom of conscience if it did not agree with their abomination.
And you still see believers defending it!
I have to be actively against God to agree with someone
whose profession goes against what God says in His word. I will have to be an
And do not parrot what the media is spewing because the
media is an ally in depravity. Depravity sells. You can almost be sure that the
person the media is actively campaigning for is the one with the most rotten
moral agenda since that will ensure their continuity. They might even thrive
under that moral morass.
In any case, have you sought God’s clear will concerning
your choice? Has He given you clear direction?
If not, you are an atheist just using God as a prop.
Let me come home.
Since our democracy does not have demarcated parties, we revolve
around personalities.
There are politicians people always fight for whose only
visible quality is incitement. They never help anybody and have never done
anything for the nation.
Yet people will fight, others have died in their support.
You will sadly realize that even ministers are in those camps to the point of
hating fellow ministers who do not support their candidate. Imagine walking on
egg shells when you want to discuss the state of the nation with a fellow
minister unless you speak well of their person who confesses wickedness!
Politicians are for the most part unbelievers and so operate
on the earthly realm and play by the worldly (even satanic) rule book. I am not
saying that we look for a Daniel or Noah in them. But it is instructive that we
follow God and His revelation when we support and choose.
How can a person who represents Christ bend so low as to lay
their life on the line for this person who will at the first instance disown
that faith that has employed them?
Again that is atheism.
This virus has exposed other atheists. How does a person
worshipping trees and cows and stones hold a prayer meeting with a person
worshipping Christ? What is so ecumenical about Christ?
Even the sailors in Jonah’s boat knew that each person
worships their own god differently and separately.
A Christian and Muslim (let alone Hindu and traditionalist)
worship different. One is the antithesis of the other. How then do we hold a
joint prayer service?
Like I have asked, why did the church leaders not call a
solemn assembly? Why did they wait to be massed with all the other
‘worshippers’ to call upon (which?) God?
Again, the heart is where it starts. They could believe that
all faiths are similar, if not the same. Christ is just the profession,
probably the side their bread is buttered.
They are atheists feeding on Christ’s name.
Even the church closures are more of demonstrations of
atheism than submitting to authorities. Some leaders are so scared of the virus
that they would rather close churches than risk catching it as I doubt anyone
would arrest a whole church for ‘disobeying’ protocols that do not mean much
when politicians and the same leaders making them have meetings.
Even in the US where not long ago pastors were being denying
licenses for refusing to join two homosexuals are only threatening to arrest
ministers who decided to obey God rather than men and are having congregational
services and evangelistic meetings where even baptism is done en masse.
Again we are atheists if the word of the state carries more
weight than that of God.
Let me go where you think I ought to have started, ministry.
Look at this preacher whose sermons draw hordes to church.
Then the elders discover that he is a moral sewer. He sleeps
with anything and everything, from hookers to elders’ wives and daughters and
everything in between.
They are indignant and confront him.
To their dismay, not only does he confirm what they had
heard, he is unrepentant in the least, daring them to do what they want.
They have the power to sack him and know it is the right
thing for them to do.
But they know that the congregation will scatter once he
leaves, probably to follow him wherever he goes. Then the offerings will follow
They therefore decide to ‘wisely’ cover up all the evidence,
disorienting the seekers who had reported that sin to the elders looking for a
spiritual solution.
Those elders are atheists. Probably most of that
congregation is also atheistic.
Maybe a church has a very vibrant choir (or worship team as
they are now called).
The lead singer has the voice that the Swahili say can coax
a snake from its hole. And the choir gels seamlessly and their commitment is
superb. Unlike other groups, there are enough men. And they are always there.
Then you discover that the leader gels the choir using her
thighs. Sex is the gelling agent in the choir as all the men are more committed
to having sex with her than with singing for Christ. No wonder they sing so
well and never fail to attend practice!
Like with the pastor, dealing with the harlot will more or
less kill the choir and chase congregants who are drawn to the church by their
The leadership therefore warns the choir against openly
showing their sex colors.
That is atheism.
Maybe it is not the ‘ministers’. Think of this very generous
giver whose giving has almost singlehandedly grown the church’s structures to
be the envy of the other churches.
Then you discover that he is involved in very fishy
businesses, some outright illegal. He is also behind some very murky deals that
even unbelievers find wicked.
Of course you know that confronting him will send his money
elsewhere, as well as probably endanger your life as everybody knows. And of
course he could ask for his money to be refunded as his kind have done
You therefore decide to close your eyes and ears to all that
You are all atheists.
These are not imaginary events and people. They are things
that are happening, things I have come in close proximity with enough times; things
that have made me and many others to be thrown out of ministry, leadership since
we just couldn’t keep quiet. Things that make the faithful minister serve
without support when the crook is spoilt for how to spend his.
You see, when God’s standard become subject to any other
condition, He stops being God. If God’s revelation is subject to a relationship
He also stops being God as happens to many young people in love with the wrong
What God says is final or He stops being God to you. He is
holding all the strings or He is not there at all.
And we see that with Israel.
Their problem was no the existence or power of God. Their
struggle was with God’s standard.
Even the Philistines knew that the God of Israel was incomparable
to their god, Baal.
The problem they had was God’s standard. It was way too
stringent and limiting (that is how it always appears). Remember the wide and
narrow gates and roads?
Then like with Eve the devil whispers to our ears that God
really does not have our interest at heart (you shall be like God, you shall not
die etc.)
Once we question God’s intent, we have already fallen into
the devil’s trap. This is because we then think that we can operate better
without the limits God places on us for our good.
Like I ask, the Garden of Eden ranged between Ethiopia and Syria.
What made them continue staying at the place where the forbidden tree was? How
many countries are included in that garden?
Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, Egypt, probably Somalia, Djibouti
and Libya, then Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, UAE, Kuwait, Lebanon,
Syria, in fact all the countries of the Middle East.
And there was food in all those places.
I am sure they questioned what was in that one tree to forbid
them from eating its fruit. The devil took advantage as he always does.
The good thing is that God’s commandments are not subject to
That question is the door to atheism as we then look for
plan Bs to escape the prison God’s love constrains us in.
Are you an atheist?
Because it is in the heart that it all begins.
God bless you.
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