Wednesday, 11 November 2020

God’s Display

I think we all can remember the adage ‘It is when God is the Only one you are left with that you realize that God is all you need’, or something like that.

Many times we see God more as an accessory than the bedrock of our faith. Of course we dare not confess that as we fear offending Him. We will therefore pray even as we look elsewhere for more predictable solutions for our crises. Like I like to say we pray with one eye open.

But sometimes everything blocks.

Then we are left with no option but praying, and waiting for God.

Then He will show up as God, the ultimate in everything because He has nobody and nothing to be compared with.

Remember Gideon in hiding?

His options had narrowed until he had actually no option.

Then God stepped in and the whole narrative changed.

Remember David facing Goliath? Again his confession was not optional. It was that God stepped in or the war was lost. But then He stepped in.

Remember the three Hebrew boys? The case was the same; a lost cause unless God stepped in. But of course we know the outcome.

But faith does not operate on desperation. It requires us to create those options for God to step in. It requires us blocking other options to allow God to shine on His own without us feeling as if we need to confess Him to just avoid offending Him.

You see, it is funny when I confess that God gave me a job when I actually know that it was my connections that did it. It is funny when I say that God gave me a wife when I know it was my ingenuity that won her over.

What am I implying?

We are supposed to confess Him when we are walking in obedience to His revelation, even if you get bored with my repeating this fact again and again.

That God uses people is not in doubt. But there is a difference between Him moving them and when I have done it. And at the back of my mind I could actually know the difference.

When I do what He asks of me (which is usually contrary to common or even popular opinion and sense), I am opening myself to God showing up in my situation.

And sometimes it is so bad that like Gideon we have to use a fleece to confirm that the command is from Him because it looks way off. And God is not scared of those fleeces. I once laid such a ‘fleece’ because I really did not want to do what I felt He was asking of me and He outperformed my doubt.

But we lay fleeces when we are ready to follow through with what He is commanding, not to satisfy our curiosity.

Following Him opens us to the supernatural.

In closing let me ask this.

What command has God issued you with?

Are you sure it is from Him? If not, laying a fleece won’t hurt.

Will you then follow through with what you are now sure He has told you? Then step aside (by obeying) and give Him the chance to show off because you will have locked out other seekers of glory, even yourself

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