Ever wondered what would have happened had Christ been a prosperity preacher?
He meets Peter and his team and performs the mega miracle of
bringing the fish from all over to fill their boats to overflowing. Then Peter
falls before Him asking Him to go away since he was a sinner.
Jesus could have simply asked him to just go ahead and sell
the fish and bring a worthy offering.
What about Matthew?
Since he must have been earning a good salary, he could have
been reminded to invest in the kingdom. There was no need of leaving employment
since the kingdom had more need for that offering. He could simply increase his
worth in the kingdom by increasing his giving.
And the rich young ruler would not have gone back sad since
he could have been allowed to use his wealth to pamper the kingdom in
preparation for his later joining it. Or isn’t investing into the kingdom
better than wasting all on the poor who may not even appreciate it?
Zacchaeus could have been rebuked for giving the poor
instead of the kingdom. You see, he would not even need to compensate those he
had defrauded since giving into the kingdom would sanitise the rest.
And since Judas was their first pope, the lady who wasted
expensive perfume on Jesus could have been guided into better usage of that
The only problem is that Jesus as the King does not need
investments into His kingdom. His kingdom is sufficient and lacks nothing.
The only thing a king needs is unfettered obedience
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