Today I want to ask us to look at education.
Let me start with a few
Why are most entrepreneurs not
very educated, some barely having any education at all?
Why is it that most innovators
and inventors are outside those silver towers we call pinnacles of higher learning?
Why do professors take their
expensive autos to those backstreet mechanics who do not even know the right
names for the parts of the vehicle since they barely went to school?
I have of course made very
general observations to get us thinking.
Do you realize that the more
learned someone gets the more desperate they are to get a job?
What is the purpose of education?
I believe the primary purpose is
to expand someone’s mind. And it does that by exposing that mind to
possibilities beyond what it had experienced before. No wonder it can be said
that through a book one can travel the whole world from their bedroom.
I am talking about any education,
whether formal or otherwise.
In our past, a child started their
education immediately they knew who they were. And the bulk of that education
was to make them maximize on everything nature provides in a healthy way.
As an example they learnt of a
lion as a dangerous enemy.
But not only that. They learnt
that a lion can be a very useful ally when you get to understand it.
That is why we started talking
about extinction when we trashed that education.
When my father and his brother
were in the forest during the Mau Mau rebellion, one thing the white man and
his home guards were perplexed with is how they disappeared into herds of
The rebels (you wonder who ought
to have been called that) understood animals and their peculiarities and
therefore took advantage of that to merge into them when the enemy came around.
Their understanding of nature was
such that they made use of the same.
The same way Maasai warriors can
comfortably take the prey from a whole pride of lions and leave unscathed.
Understanding nature was key to
our past education.
A child would learn which plants
were food and medicine and which were poison, which animals were better food or
could lead to better food, which plants indicate the presence of water and
which animals lead to water in a desert, etc.
Then came modern education.
The first thing it did is trash
all past education, calling itself superior.
But it did even worse. Instead of
expanding the brain of the one who chose to follow it, it completely narrowed
it beyond reason.
One must pursue the arts or
sciences; then they must choose between one among many branches they chose to
Incidentally, the more learned
they become the narrower their mind becomes. Talk about straightjacketing the
That is the reason someone
becomes less and less useful, wholistically speaking.
That is why a whole engineer must
look for a technician to change their light bulb since they learnt all about
electricity but not about changing fixtures. Only the uneducated are exposed
enough to handle all those jobs.
Education makes someone less
educated about life and how to live it.
But for me the saddest part is
that it makes someone crave being someone’s employee the more educated they
You sack someone with one
certificate and they start thinking outside employment. You sack someone with
multiple degrees and they immediately start looking for another employer.
You leave someone without a
degree for some time without a job for some time and they will cook something
else to do. Do the same to the most educated and they become depressed since
they think God has deserted them.
That for me is not education. It
is indoctrination. It is imprisonment.
Education should make someone
create, not support some uneducated creator.
The big break should not be that
job you get with a multinational. It should be the villages you have transformed
with your expanded thinking capacity. It should be in the many lives you have
transformed by easing their work load.
Education and salary are not
synonymous. As we already know, some of the most successful people we know started
with a passion to make a difference and money followed that passion.
I feel sad when I see PhD holders
yapping political drivel in support of some uneducated idiots instead of using
their education for some good. You wonder why some went to medical school if
the only thing they can do is make noise.
Let me close here. I hope I have got someone thinking
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