Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Doctrine Test

I have been wondering at the flood of doctrinal posts on social media.

Some are from people I know; ministers I have some history with.

Some of that doctrine is spurious and some of it is misleading.

I could highlight the error but over the years in ministry I have come to appreciate the fact that it is rarely the right thing to correct someone publicly.

Jesus said we deal with them privately first.

But even that is not always productive.

I have written elsewhere of a time I was ejected from leadership for confronting a false teacher privately and even opened dialogue doors. He is the one that leaked my communication with the leadership that was comfortable with his error.

False doctrine is arrogant as it is aggressive. It is never open to another opinion or even reason.

That is why I have thought to help us examine our doctrine, sensibly. Call it a self-test of doctrine.

As we know, truth is self-perpetuating.

It spreads through the people living by the same.

It has no fanfare. No trumpets. No media outlets.

Truth is complete on its own.

The force of truth is in the ones living by it and the benefits of the same.

But a lie is aggressive. A lie must be heard at all cost. A lie seeks prominence. And a lie needs supporters.

Whereas truth doesn’t seek fans and supporters, a lie will suffocate to death if it lacks them.

Before I get to doctrine let me give an example or two of the same.

Ever seen someone looking for recognition when they are married right? Ever seen a wife parading herself all over to demonstrate that she is married right? Ever seen a faithful wife or husband trying to prove they are truly married or faithful? Ever seen rightly married couples fighting to have their marriage legislated into law?

Yet look at the concubines and clandestine lovers and harlots and homosexuals.

They are all over parading their perversions and fighting to have them recognized.

The next is a tad controversial but I will mention it anyway.

Look at this virus.

We believed when we were given the ‘facts’ and followed the guidelines.

The problem arose when the narrators started commanding us to stop thinking.

Then they started blocking questions and anything that does not agree with them. Then blocking any post that has the name of the virus not in line with their propaganda. Then closing accounts of people who question their narrative. Then dealing with prominent persons showing the slightest success in helping people think. Eventually criminalizing anybody who disagrees with their narrative.

We were created to question. That is the essence of choice.

You cannot tell me to choose if you do not allow me to examine available choices.

Those of us questioning are not questioning the virus. We are questioning the narrative that wants us to stop thinking or looking for alternative information or solutions.

They say that even the vilest must have their day in court. Why are the ‘vile’ in this case dumped in the dungeon without even being given a chance to admit guilt or otherwise? Why are they condemned even before their plea is taken? Why are they given the sentence even before they are taken to court? Why are their defense attorneys killed or blocked from getting to court?

Truth never fears being challenged. That is how the truth always triumphs.

For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount. We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: (2Peter 1: 16 – 19)

When Peter said that he was an eyewitness, he was actually offering a challenge to any questioning his faith. And Paul said the same thing in 1 Corinthians 15 as John said.

That is what I want us to do to examine our doctrines.

If you treat someone holding or believing a different doctrine as an enemy who must be fought, it is possible that your doctrine is false, or unbiblical, or spurious.

If you do not entertain alternative interpretations of the scriptures supporting that doctrine, again treat that as a red flag.

If you blank verses that seem to disagree with your doctrine, it is again possible that your doctrine has issues.

And finally, if your doctrine occupies a more prominent place in your proclamation than Christ crucified and risen, it is possible that you are a preacher of another gospel.

In closing I will say that false doctrine thrives on the feel-good power it has. It spreads because of the pleasure or comfort it offers, comfort that is not a rest after working but a rest that I can claim or possess.

Of course it does not challenge anybody to change, substantially, that is. I can be all that I am promised by doing absolutely nothing. Maybe transfer what I should do to visible things like giving and attending sessions. Or reading their books instead of the Bible.

This is just a small stone I have thrown to raise a little dust over deceptive doctrines

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