Thursday, 28 March 2013

God’s Sovereignty versus Human Choice

Where is God when we go to the elections? Where is He when they do not go our way? Where is He when there are irregularities? Who is God anyway?

I am sure that most Kenyans believe in God, though I am sure it can not be one God.

Did we pray before we voted? What did we pray? Did we ask Him for direction as we went to cast our ballots? Did He give us the direction or our prayer was just a polite way to appear to involve God in our decisions so that we can later blame Him if they do go the way we had decided even before praying for direction?

Does our voting and results overrule God’s sovereignty? Is God subject to our choices? Can God be manipulated into agreeing with our self-seeking decisions? Does He stop being God when universal suffrage takes over?

Following the debates on blogs and fb since the elections it seems that many of us have put God in the backburner as far as the election results are concerned. Many appear openly tribalistic but I think this is for creating a diversion from the real issues.

Do you believe in God? Do you confess the reality of God? Where do you expect solutions from, God or the politician of your choice?

I believe this case has laid bare our idol worship. We worship politicians and political dimensions. We play lip service to God, I think to remain respectable.

All the hatred and tribal leanings are the evidence that we are worshipping our ‘saviors’. No wonder the election was fair or foul depending on where our savior lies. I will say it again. This is not about the elections or even tallying. We are either excited or finished depending on the position of our savior. And I won’t even stand to be corrected. Just look at yourself.

People are hurt. But the culprit is not the electoral process. I think Baal has been unmasked. People can’t simply face the fact that their god is not god enough. The other side doesn’t want to delay the ascension of their god to the throne to give salvation to all. The sad fact is that some of the said gods actually believe they are so, which makes the situation even worse for their worshippers.

God brings the idols down. Remember Dagon falling down in worship when the ark of the true God was brought to his temple?

And when they of Ashdod arose early on the morrow, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the earth before the ark of the LORD. And they took Dagon, and set him in his place again. And when they arose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of the LORD; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the stump of Dagon was left to him (1Samuel 5: 4)

If we do not stop worshipping these heroes of ours, I will not be surprised if God deals with them as He dealt with Dagon.

I know you are hurting. But that does not excuse idolatry. That does not excuse hatred which God calls murder. That does not excuse spite. That does not excuse intolerance.

For you information tribe is God’s creation. You should not be ashamed of belonging to your tribe. But on the same vein you should not also despise any other tribe for whatever reason. Nothing God created is evil, even that tribe you detest.

But I need to say that your tribe or tribal leaning is not the only reality there is. Your tribe is one of thousands of tribes on earth. Some countries have one tribe whereas others have hundreds. DRC for example has over 250 tribes. Some tribes have no visible or linguistic differences. As an example I don’t know how to differentiate between a Tutsi and Hutu in Rwanda or Burundi.

Your tribal hero may not even be a leader, or his leadership may be proceeding from the devil. Looking at him as the solution Kenya needs is blasphemy because God is the only one capable of dealing with our problems conclusively. Remember God saying as much when Israel asked for a king? Treating his victory or defeat as a life and death situation not only shows us as hopelessly humanistic but displays our faith as a sham. It shows God is our Public Relations exercise.

God is bigger than Uhuru. God is bigger than Raila. God is supremely superior to the Supreme Court and is at no time bound to its decisions. None of them provide oxygen for us. None of them will give us food for our stomachs. In fact winning or losing for any of them will not improve your lot much if you do not take a proactive stance in your life.

Some of these same characters caused us to fight, kill and displace our long term friends and neighbors. What did they do? They just shared the loaf of bread amongst themselves. Some of us are still in IDP camps. What makes you think that they will bring you a piece of that loaf this time round if they get it?

Let us stop putting our faith to shame to protect these politicians who do not lose sleep when we are sleeping hungry.

It is true that righteousness exalts a nation, but it is very important for us to realize that God’s people are the one God’s looks at to determine the presence or absence of the same.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7: 14)

We simply cannot be called by His Name if we are falling over ourselves to fight for our hero, whoever he is. Losing sleep for them or the decision of the SC speaks volume about the object of our faith.

Let us stop putting God to shame for shallow political grandstanding.

In any case they have severally stated that we are the fools for creating factions whereas they will always be eating peacefully together when out of our sight.
Barikiweni sana

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