Wednesday, 19 February 2014

The Jezebel Enablers

I know enough people have been really offended by my two recent posts. The reason they have not bashed me is because they do not have scriptural responses for the same. Many think I am a chauvinist, which I will not deny if the flow of the message God gives me points me as that. In any case who is a chauvinist? So we might have to start with definitions which do not fall under the messages God gives. I only want to relate the messages God gives me to the plain teaching of scripture as opposed to looking simply for verses that seem to agree with my position. That is the reason I sweep across the wide panorama of the Bible as I write

But today I want to bash us men. I believe the reason Jezebel is in charge of not only the homes but even the church is because men have been asleep. Remember this?

But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. (Matthew 13:25)

I believe that we have through laziness or complacency slowly yielded the reigns of the structures God expects us to lead to the woman whose greatest craving culminates in her taking charge of the man.

A man is expected to be a hard worker. Again look at what God decreed after the fall.

In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. (Genesis 3:19)

A man is expected to provide for his family through the sweat of his brow. His leadership therefore proceeds from that. He can provide leadership because he takes care of his family. He can give orders because he is in charge.

But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. (1Timothy 5:8)

But this is at the very basic level. That is the introduction of that authority. A man who stops at that level can be compared with someone who thinks he is ready to swim just because he has taken off his hat.

But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. (1Corinthians 11:3)

Simply speaking, a man’s authority is not absolute. Nor does it proceed from his provision. He derives his authority from his submission to a higher authority. His authority is vested and not fought for. It is only as he submits to the authority that he gets that authority.

For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it. (Matthew 8:9)

This soldier understood authority. He starts with confessing that he was under authority. Because he was subject to that authority he was then vested with authority over others.

Autonomy does not produce authority. Only someone under authority can understand and exercise authority. Authority apart from submission produces chaos as opposed to the order that proceeds from a structure. That is the reason self-made men do not make good husbands and fathers as they have nothing to copy from. That is the reason people rebelling from the kind of upbringing they had produce unbalanced children. That is the reason people who start churches as a protest to the rottenness they see in the ones they formerly were under replicate the rottenness they ran from, only this time in another dimension.

It is from authority that we can learn authority. And there is only one authority that has all that we need to exercise our authority, God’s through Christ.

A man is the one who should be in closest contact with God. In fact he is the one who MUST have that relationship. You will see that plainly when you read the Bible.

It is a clear abomination when a man drives his family to church and either remains in the car or drives elsewhere to while the time until the service ends as he is the one who ought to have the drive to take his family to the direction God has.

Shout chauvinist but I want you to realize that that is the spiritual order of things. In the scriptures there were only a handful of situations where God spoke or dealt with the woman before speaking to her husband. Even then she had to bring her husband to verify the instruction as that is what we saw in the last post (Manoah, Elkanah, Joseph). Yet at no time do we see a man being asked to require the acceptance of his wife in the pursuit of an order. Many times it was the exact opposite. For example do you expect Abraham required the permission of Sarah before he went to offer Isaac as a sacrifice?

but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. (Joshua 24: 15)

We do not see any democracy or negotiation there. Joshua simply takes his authority to dedicate his family to the service of God. Where are these kinds of men?

We see the same even in the New Testament. In acts 16 we see the jailor being baptized after midnight with his whole family. Cornelius also gets saved with not only his whole family but even his villagers.

And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. (Acts 16:31)

That is God’s order of things. It is the man who is responsible for the spiritual tenor of his family. Delegating that authority to his wife just because she is receptive of all that authority is abuse of office and irresponsibility of the highest order. Worse is the fact that God will never recognize that new authority you have delegated to. He will judge you for it.

Moses listened to Zipporah (or was unable to get past her resistance) and failed to circumcise his son. Yet we see he was the one who was being killed. Eli most likely feared fighting with his wife in the discipline of his sons yet we do not even see the mention of his wife when he was being judged, yet we see him trying to be diplomatically trying to convince his sons. David sleeps with willing Bathsheba who even prompts him to kill Uriah. Yet we do not see her or even her offspring being judged yet chances are very high that she actually set him up for that sin. We are not told Reuben raped his step mother yet only he is cursed.

The clearest is Ahab. We almost do not see the authority of the king yet the queen is all over. Yet it is Ahab who is judged.

There is therefore no excuse for delegating spiritual authority. There is no excuse for absconding that authority. The lack of a spine might appear cool for the woman and children who are appearing to enjoy all that authority you are scared to handle. They are really enjoying the autonomy you have given them. The woman may feel that you are the best man to have around especially as she really enjoys that new status.

But in time authority that is not yours will wear you done as you do not have the makeup and preparation for it. What initially looked like a blessing now evidently becomes a curse as it breeds so much frustration. The man who absconded that authority becomes an enemy though he was a hero when he slept on his job.

Eventually the woman starts hating this spineless man and many times will seek to get rid of him for all the pressure he has left her to handle. The complication is that he still is the provider and can’t be gotten rid of that easily. But it becomes another matter if he has some tangible security like investments or even insurance. Then he can be easily knocked off as the woman can then become the man of the house without the encumbrances of an effeminate man pretending to be the man of the house. She many times will arrange for an accident or a mugging so that she can ‘innocently’ become a widow.

I know there is a place around Nairobi infamous for that. You will see a whole swathe of residential properties all owned by young widows and the stories read a little like I have said. Do not crucify me as this is what I have heard though I do not have evidence. But I have lived in that area. In fact we have of late been hearing a lot about women killing their husbands. The one that made headlines was this woman who got an investigating policeman and mistook him for an assassin, giving him all the information, even a deposit to knock her husband off.

It is spiritual authority that makes a man secure to live with. Money and investments have no capacity to offer security. And that spiritual authority does not just happen. It must be nurtured by a living relationship with Christ. A man who spends enough time in the presence of God, reading His word and praying is the kind of man who has anything to offer to a woman.

For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. (Genesis 18:19)

The spiritual instruction of a family is vested in the man. It is therefore inexcusable for him to lack the craving for the spiritual. He is responsible for the spiritual direction his family takes before God. And that responsibility is not delegatable at all just like child bearing is not.

The effeminate man is therefore an abomination to God, especially because he then becomes the enabler for the Jezebel spirit to be nurtured and released in his wife. He then will become like Ahab, a king who whines before his wife when he can’t get what he wants.

Again that is the reason many girls, especially ‘spiritual’ girls can’t seem to get husbands. The simple reason is that no man has enough spiritual stature to have this girl submit spiritually to him. This is made worse if the said girl is well endowed in beauty and job. Those positive qualities become the things that disqualify her marriageability before men.

It is sad that such girls fall for the highest bidder without considering what impact that choice would have on her spirituality. Many times it becomes as bad and sometimes even worse than the unequal yoke we are warned against in 2 Corinthians 6: 14.

This happens because an unspiritual man is extremely insecure. He will therefore try his best to bring anyone who may appear aware of his insecurity as low as he can. This may include even physical abuse and any other kind of intimidation at his disposal. But these are the violent who must flout their weight around.

The other type is like Ahab. They simply allow ‘mama’ run the show, simply becoming her accessory. He will do anything to keep mama happy. It is sad he can’t carry her pregnancy for her! Money or worldly authority does not mean much as long as mama is happy. Again they follow Ahab’s footsteps.

The sad part is children in such marriages become confused as they can’t distinguish between the woman and the man. They do not know what to aspire for as they grow up as the gender roles in the family are not defined. But worse is the fact that they will normally flow to the more forceful character in the union who happens to be the woman. But there is more confusion than order for them. But it is even more detrimental to their marriages should they get married.

Research after research has shown that almost without exception men who behave feminine (plait hair, wear makeup etc) come from either a single mother or a family with a domineering mother and subservient father. A study of homosexuality has also proven the same.

The lack of a spiritually authoritative husband and father raises children with gender confusion. No wonder they argue that the abomination is in their genes as they do not know any better. They have grown up in that confusion. Probably that is the reason God excludes bastards from His presence or congregation forever (Deuteronomy 23:2). They simply do not know themselves and therefore have no capacity to minister in His presence or to His people.

The man’s key responsibility is spiritual connection. He is the one who ought to hear clearly from God and direct his family, wife included in the direction he hears. All other responsibilities are secondary to that.

For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. (Ephesians 5:23)

What does a head contain? Eyes, ears, nose and mouth; 80% of the guiding senses. The rest of the body has feeling. Does that tell us a bit about the responsibilities placed on a husband? I am sure so.

The head guides as the body performs.

Again we see something else that is consistent with nature. The woman, like the body is all feeling. She has high emotional sensitivity, high receptivity to spiritual things – though as I have said not necessarily from one spirit, high responsiveness to the hurts of others, etc. that is her nature. And of course she is multitasked.

The man can really focus and is able to handle much pressure without falling apart. He can be insensitive to the hurts of others and must make the effort to understand that.

This ties with what I have been saying. God created us that way. An emotional man is a woman as soberness and emotionalism are mutually exclusive. There are preachers who have been teaching men to elevate their emotionalism and there are even movies and seminars for the same. That is acting against nature. It is telling a man to become a woman so that a woman can then become the man. It is an abomination.

A man SHOULD be taught to connect with God. The only instruction for a man should be to elevate his spiritual stature. Our churches should concentrate on teaching men to know God, hear God and follow God. Anything else might simply be demonic as it will nurture the Jezebelic spirit in the home.

Young men, know God before you think of looking for a girl to marry. Be connected to your authority before seeking a girl to lead. Nurture your spiritual stature before looking for people to oversee.

Once a man’s spiritual connection has been established, it then becomes easy for him to hear precise and specific orders for his life and family. Like Jacob he might be required to move from existing structures to clearly hear from God. Like David he might need to be overlooked to nurture that connection. Like Elijah and John the Baptist he might have to be a rugged man of the deserts to really gain the impact God has set out for him.

In summary I want to repeat that the Jezebel spirit is nurtured by the man who lacks virility in the spiritual realm. He therefore has nothing like God giving him any orders.

That independence opens him to the control of a woman who craves it. and since he does not hear God for himself he will not know what is right or wrong, only what is convenient, many times a false peace that originates from his running away from responsibility to avoid run ins with his wife.

Therefore I will stop by saying that a man MUST, and I highlight MUST be in constant fellowship with God to be the kind of man God requires.

A man cannot be fed enough from the pulpit, however rich that pulpit is. And that is the reason few men fit in churches, especially churches that promise to meet all their spiritual needs. And this is many times because the pulpit does not challenge the man to grow beyond it. The man therefore will feel empty as he is built to handle deeper stuff. Another reason is that a man is built for action and will gravitate to churches that offer enriching spiritual responsibilities. That is also why you see that almost all the men in church have responsibilities to be counted on.

A man was created to interact closely with God and use that relationship to lead his family.

I guess I will complete this message later

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