… thy desire shall be to thy husband,
and he shall rule over thee (Genesis 3:
It is
interesting that we find no problem with a woman who behaves as if she can do
away with men. The sad fact is that this same woman may be an expert in ruining
families and to an extent young men and boys by making them dependent on her
We deceive
ourselves when we think that the only independence that is worthy of our
mention must be material or monetary in simple terms. Thus we will label a
woman who can never live without a man, even if it has to be a schoolboy,
independent simply because she does not depend on a man for her upkeep.
This woman
is the epitome of God’s judgment on the woman after the fall. What happens is
that she realizes that a stable man is not easy to control and manage. She
therefore looks for the weakest link in the family unit; a searching or
desperate youth or an unstable or irresponsible husband. Then she can really be
in control.
A woman’s
innate desire is to control her husband. That is the default position of her makeup.
That is the natural leaning of her unreformed heart. Though we use that verse
to show that every woman desires to have a man around her, the Hebrew word used
in the verse goes beyond that. It includes a desire to overshadow and override
her husband.
Before you
accuse me of heresy let me give you one other incident that same word is used.
If thou doest well, shalt thou not be
accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee
shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him. (Genesis 4:7)
That makes
it evident that the desire to get married was not the judgment God decreed on
the woman. That is a natural inclination as we also see it in a man. People
crave companionship and fellowship and marriage is the greatest aspect of both.
God could not surely have released it as a curse. In fact it was for that very
reason He created Eve. He couldn’t have used marriage as an illustration of
heaven if it was the product of a curse. We would therefore be imputing sin to
God for something He had created even before the fall.
saying Eve was cursed to crave to dominate her husband. In fact it may not even
have been a curse. God was just commenting on what had happened. Eve had
overshot her position and made the man to do what God had prohibited. She had
in actual fact overshadowed him and completely overthrown him to have him eat
the forbidden fruit.
Again we see
why or the ground was cursed for Adam. He had listened to his wife.
And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast
hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which
I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for
thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; (Genesis 3:17)
This was
because such listening had led him to disobey God’s clear command. A man needs
to have two sets of ears; one to listen to his wife and another to listen to
God. And there is no need to debate on which should carry the day. But that is
not what we are taught nowadays. I have read a lot and attended seminars yet I
don’t remember ever hearing this being taught. In fact even a call to ministry
has to be verified by a wife for it to be treated as valid in our day. A wife
has to hear for God to have spoken to her husband. I know people whose call to
ministry was aborted because the wife had not heard. That is purely unbiblical,
even wicked.
A wife ought
to listen to her husband without fail. In fact even her commitment to God is
subject to the same. Let me produce a scripture before you stone me.
But if her husband disallowed her on the day
that he heard it; then he shall make her vow which she vowed, and that which
she uttered with her lips, wherewith she bound her soul, of none effect: and
the LORD shall forgive her. Every vow, and every binding oath to afflict
the soul, her husband may establish it, or her husband may make it void.
But if he
shall any ways make them void after that he hath heard them; then he shall bear
her iniquity. (Numbers 30:8, 13, 13)
The whole
chapter deals with vows. I have taken vows that relate to a married woman to
get the point across. Compare that with what the bulk of the church teaches.
Compare it with the running of most churches. We even have pastors whose
pillars of support are women who are married to ‘demons’, to use common
phraseology. These pastors are always praying for the rebellious husband to
come back home as if that home belongs to the wife. Is that scriptural? Tell
Testament doctrine, I can hear someone crying. Is that constrained to the Old
Testament? By no means. Again let us look at the same in the New Testament.
Let the woman learn in silence with all
subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the
man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was
not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. (1Timothy 2:11 - 14)
Again I want
us to see the reason for this. Paul takes it back to before the fall. This
makes it plain that it is not sin that brought that order about. Sin in actual
fact sought to reverse it. And it does the same to date. In fact the order was
established to protect us from the allure of sin. Sin and Satan fears
structures as he knows he cannot penetrate if he has to use official channels.
Man could not have fallen if Satan had sought to convince Adam as not only had he
the order but he also knew where it came from. He therefore saw beyond the
allurements to the consequences.
Let your women keep silence in the churches:
for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under
obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them
ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only? (1Corinthians 14: 34 – 36)
Again it is
clear that spiritual instruction in the home is the preserve of the husband,
meaning that the wife is simply supposed to learn further from him if there is
some preaching that is not clear in the church.
How come
that we have everything from pastors to bishops who are women, and many of them
women with a ‘mysterious' past? How do men survive there? Or are they men
I want to
demonstrate that there is a Jezebel in each woman by virtue of that statement
God made. This is so that each of us will appreciate the extent of our warfare
against our human tendencies and leanings. We will then know how to address
issues that proceed from those tendencies. But above all the man will know the
order that God gave to counter that tendency.
Before the
fall the man was the head of the woman and therefore gave direction to the
woman and she followed. After the fall we see a woman seeking to reverse the
order of things by controlling the man and overshadowing him. Then God orders
the man
he shall rule over thee
The same
thing He had told Cain and Cain had failed to do.
Now it does
not proceed from the natural order of creation or the authority vested in the
man. He now has to counter the sneaky and pervasive albeit veiled resistance to
his authority with the full force of his being if he has to be in obedience to
God. He has to consider that this wife he so loves seeks to divert him from
what God has set in order for him.
But I also
want to show that through Christ that leaning can be countered by the power of
the gospel if it is given enough space to flourish. But we must be aware that
it takes immense investment and commitment to start the journey in that
It is also
important to realize that the father of lies works overtime to make sure that
this never happens as it will put an end to his work on earth. One thing he
does so effectively is to spiritualise the jezebel in each woman by subverting
that vice into a virtue. Thus we celebrate the independent woman who many times
is a single mother without first asking how she got that child in the first
place as we know that children are not picked from trees.
How long wilt thou go about, O thou
backsliding daughter? for the LORD hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman
shall compass a man. (Jeremiah
Again we see
a similar thing, only that this time it is being directly connected to the
backslidden state. A woman literally compasses a man. I like to compare this to
the way a constrictor kills its prey, contrary to what I was brought up
believing, it does not break any bones. It just slowly reduces the expansion
and capacity of the lungs that they literally stop functioning as they then
cannot be able to circulate adequate oxygen to the body.
Is this what
nagging does to a man? Why does the Bible indicate that nagging is destructive,
at least by inference?
It is better to dwell in a corner of the
housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house. It is better to dwell in
the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman. (Proverbs 21:9, 19)
We are able
to see the power of nagging when we look at Samson.
And it came to pass, when she pressed him
daily with her words, and urged him, so that his soul was vexed unto death
(Judges 16:16)
Yet we see
that nagging was full of their love. In fact the total composition of it was
her love for Samson and his failure to prove his.
Yet at the
back of any nagging is control. Nagging, like we see with Delilah, may be the
easiest and most effective way to wear a man down to compromise. It vexes a man
so completely, even to death like we see with Samson.
The danger
with nagging is that it is so blatant. It can be compared to armed robbery.
There is a great danger that the victim may have a rush of adrenaline and react
violently to that control by either fighting or fleeing. Thus we can have the
man either becoming violent or moving elsewhere. That is if the woman lacks
another weapon to suffocate him more comfortably.
The other
world knows and exploits this tendency to control in a woman though like Christ
said His people many times are ignorant than those of the enemy. There are therefore
enough incidents where we can see the destiny of a man being aborted just
because he was given just the right woman.
Though for
the most part I will use the Bible for my examples, I want us to know that our
folk history is riddled with such stories where a champion was brought down by
a woman he was given by the enemy. The clearest I can remember is Lwanda
Magere, an invincible man of the Luo/ Luhya legends who appeared to be made of
stone as no spear could get to him. Like with Samson the enemy made him find a
very beautiful girl whose control method was even better than Delilah’s as she
just bid her time and made herself invaluable to this champion. And she was
eventually able to get his secret and break his power by leaking it to her
One other
weapon women have that makes it possible for them to get their way is patience.
In fact to be a woman is almost synonymous to being patient. Imagine the time
they spend to have their hair made? Imagine the nine months they must carry a
pregnancy to term? They therefore can bid their time until a man is worn out
enough to accede to their control. And that is one most powerful weapon I
believe a woman employs to control the man without seeming to control him.
Sarah is
totally submitted to Abraham to the point that she can be taken to a harem to
protect him. She follows him unquestionably for years though I do not think she
understood why. He has no doubts as to whether Sarah was submitted to his
lordship. In fact the Bible says that she called him lord.
Then she
suggested that he could sleep with Hagar as technically and legally it was not
much different from Sarah herself bearing that child.
What does
Abraham think? We do not know. But chances are that that submission had worn
his faith in God’s promise about Sarah to tatters. He therefore breaks down. We
later see him chasing the same girl at the prompting of the same Sarah.
I will state
another fact. That a woman is easily swayed in the spiritual. But it is
important to realize that spiritual is not only in God’s direction. They can
therefore very easily hear voices that do not come from the one they think they
are hearing from, and we know the devil is an expert in that. And that was the
reason God gave Adam the commandment and why He called Abraham. The subjective
nature of spiritual leanings will need more soberness than the feeling, which
is what God has entrusted to the man. I suspect Satan whispered to Sarah and
she mistook that whisper for God’s revelation. Like Adam before him, Abraham
took Sarah’s revelation as from God instead of seeking clarity from God
Rachael was
the woman Jacob loved. But she was the one who carried the spirit of Laban in
its entirety. There was more than beauty and love that made him work fourteen
years for her and that is what her father capitalized on. Laban used that
spirit to exploit this blessing that was Jacob. You remember she is the one who
carried away her father’s idols? Though she loved Jacob desperately, I believe
she was a liability to his spiritual walk. That may have been the reason God
had closed her womb. It might also have been the reason she had to die before
Jacob reconnected with his destiny. Otherwise explain to me why Joseph, the
eleventh born was given the birthright reserved for the firstborn?
We see the
same with Michal, David’s first wife and the wife he loved so much he could
break the commandment to get her back after she was married by another. I am
sure Saul realized that Merab did not have what it took to neuter David’s
growing influence that he had to go back on his word before the whole army.
Michal had the right spirit, and by that I mean a spirit that could bring a man
into submission. And we get that clearly at the end when we see her not even
touched by David’s spiritual growth and worship. She was simply playing in
another league. How can she not be affected by the worship of the whole city
and comes out only to castigate her husband for embarrassing her?
plays games around her husband to ensure that the son she favors gets the
husband’s blessing because I think she had tried for years unsuccessfully to
get him see it her way.
took the game of control to another level. I suspect she strategically
positioned herself so that David could see her bathing. Otherwise explain to me
how you can bathe outside with a palace overlooking you unless you have really
done your homework to ensure that only the king can see. Otherwise soldiers on
patrol would also see their boss’s wife naked. The palace roof is not the
preserve of the king. I am sure there were soldiers there most times.
But look at
how she positions Solomon. Again she is able to bring David to her position
without having to nag like Michal or Delilah.
Let us look
at instances where the other side used the power of a woman to accomplish their
purposes. I will look at the intent and the result which means some will be
positive and others negative.
That Joseph
was blessed was evident to all. Again I think that the reason Potipher’s wife
wanted to sleep with him had little to do with sex. She may have simply wanted
his seed and later the control of all that blessing. I suspect even her husband
may have wanted the same. It was the embarrassment of being found out that
prompted him to imprison Joseph. How do you convince people that you wanted
your slave to impregnate your wife?
But look at
the game when he gets promoted. Where do they get a wife for him from? They
simply look for the most spiritually portent place, the priesthood, and not the
palace. This they knew is the easiest way to assimilate him into Egypt with his
blessing. Fortunately his spirituality was way above all the spirituality of
Egypt and so were not able contain him as they had intended.
We see the
same with Moses in Midian. He is given the heiress of the priesthood, the
firstborn. And we see him struggling with her control. She is able to make him
refuse to circumcise his son. We can see her spiritual awareness when God seeks
to slay Moses. She immediately connects with the cause and rectifies it. She
then goes back to her father, probably because she realizes that Moses was
getting out of her control.
Now the name of the Israelite that was slain,
even that was slain with the Midianitish woman, was Zimri, the son of Salu, a
prince of a chief house among the Simeonites. And the name of the Midianitish
woman that was slain was Cozbi, the daughter of Zur; he was head over a people,
and of a chief house in Midian. (Numbers
25:14, 15)
We see the
Moabites playing the same game. We know they had a highly spiritual adviser,
Balaam the prophet. The Israelites thought that there was sex cheaply
available, sex on demand if you wish, when they saw Moabite girls and women on
display. But the Moabites were very strategic. The really spiritual and leaders
were availed even more spiritual women in the other direction to neuter their
spiritual responsiveness. Now just tell me who was bound to win between the
explorer and the strategist? No wonder thousands fell.
Let me also
mention that sex is one of the most powerful spiritual weapons whichever way we
looked. Sex is actually a spiritual covenant whether we realize it or not. And
it is one weapon a woman knows how to use most effectively, especially to
control. Again the one who knows is the one who can take advantage of it, and I
want to state that the other side is under no illusions about it. They
therefore are always exploring more creative ways of using our ignorance to
subjugate us with this powerful weapon. And pornography is the modern weapon in
that whether in the movies or the net. No wonder it is a billion dollar
industry. Another is alcohol as it weakens a man’s resistance to the sensual.
And many times the two work hand in hand.
Sex is the
primary weapon of the other woman. Witchcraft is a secondary one and proceeds
from it. Yet it is at the point of sex that she derives her greatest power.
That is the reason she will not allow the man to go back even temporarily to
his wife as she knows that is where she derives her power. She also is under no illusions about the
sexual allure of the man’s official love. Then she will totally strangle him to
insanity and absolute folly that he will forget that he had any other member in
his family. He then will pamper children he doesn’t know whose they are even as
his own children wallow in poverty and need. That also applies to prostitutes.
They may appear simple sex objects but they have a great agenda from hell to
destroy and destabilize families simply through the spiritual interchange of
demons in the illicit sex act.
For by means of a whorish woman a man is
brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious
life. Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? Can one
go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? (Proverbs 6:26 - 28)
That is the
reason God is very persistent in His warning His people against sexual sin. No
sex is safe outside the boundaries God set.
What? know ye not that he which is joined to
an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. Flee fornication.
Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth
fornication sinneth against his own body.
(1Corinthians 6: 16, 18)
That is the
level we take ourselves to when we cannot keep our trousers zipped. But we do
not only sin against our own bodies, we sell our posterity.
But we are
talking about Jezebel and the spirit of control in each woman. It is only that
I realize that sex may be their ultimate weapon in that control. Therefore we
may boil that control into the provision or denial of sex. Many times we will
find a harassed man being one whose wife consistently denies him conjugal
rights and he does not advocate violence or lacks in that direction. Then he
will do anything to get that sexual release. Then the wife can further entrap
Another way
a man can be imprisoned in the same direction is when a woman demands too much
sex so that the man fails to cope. Then she will apply guilt and threaten to
expose him since, ‘what kind of man are you?’ That automatically shuts his sex
drive, making it easier for the woman to suffocate him. She may threaten to run
off to men who can perform, eventually turning her man into jelly. Then she
will be able to walk all over him.
Let us get
back to Jezebel. She ties with what we have been discussing.
And it came to pass, as if it had been a
light thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that he
took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians, and went
and served Baal, and worshipped him. (1Kings
This young
king is brought a wife by a heathen king who I believe was mature in the
worship of demons as Ahab was ignorant about the worship of God. She then
becomes his mentor in all things spiritual. I believe that was the reason she
was brought to him.
She was so
advanced spiritually that she could practice prostitution in the palace and the
king had no problem with it.
And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu,
that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? And he answered, What peace, so long as the
whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many? (2Kings 9:22)
She might
have had immense sex appeal as we see even Jehu scared to meet with her,
probably fearing that he could easily come under her snare. Again look at what
she does after learning of the overthrow of her husband.
And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel
heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a
window. (2Kings 9:30)
She does not
behave like someone in grief. I am sure she was planning on being Jehu’s new
wife or concubine, at least from the way she decked herself. She was planning
for Jehu to think that he had completely finished Ahab to the extent of
capturing his wife as a trophy of war. Then she could have easily wormed
herself to the kind of relationship she had with Ahab. Jehu may have realized
that she was far too advanced spiritually to have around and that was the
reason he ordered her killed. It is interesting that the people who threw her
down were not real men but eunuchs, simply because they had no sex drive to
fall under her skirts (2 Kings 9)
We see her
daughter doing something similar in Judah once her son who had been the king
she controlled died.
And when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw
that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the seed royal. (2Kings 11:1)
This was
because she realized that she could no longer control the kingdom. She
therefore killed anyone who may have become a king so that she was undisputed
as the queen.
Was she alone? I do not think so. She had
enough men in her team and I do not think diplomacy was what she used to
control them.
Solomon was
the one person for whom women were used to literally cause him to lose his
connection to God yet he had had two distinct encounters with Him. This clearly
tells us that no spiritual experience is able to insure us against the power of
a woman unless it is an ongoing experience, current at all times. But we see
the same scenario repeated. Kings sought alliances with him by simply preparing
very highly trained spiritual maidens who were able to use their sexuality to
bring this man of God down, all the way to worshipping their idols.
Lest you
think I am demonizing women, let me say that the gospel offers the real
solution to this. I also need to add that there are women in the Bible who
exemplified the right spirit and I want us to look at some of them.
I want us to
realize that most women whose names appear in the Bible were the controlling
type. They are marked for their aggression and ‘initiative’ which though for
our times we think is positive was really not. But we have women whose mention
was positive. These are some of the ones I will mention.
Abigail was
married to a fool who made a foolish blinder that exposed his posterity to
extermination. When she realizes what he had done, instead of going to confront
him she decides to rectify the situation herself. Thus instead of his whole
lineage being cleared, God just removes Nabal from the picture. Even when she
joins David, we do not see her pushing and shoving to position her sons to take
over from David as king as the other wives were doing. She was content to serve
the king.
Leah was
Jacob’s first wife who bore half of the nation of Israel. Though she had a very
aggressive sister who really fought to run the show, we are able to see Leah
growing in grace and trust in God as she slowly surrenders her battles to Him.
Ruth was
exceptional. She was willing to obey orders that may have made no sense to her
due to her upbringing because she trusted Naomi and Boaz she had directed her
to. I wonder how many women would go and lie beside a man in the dark, a man
one does not even know.
The Proverbs
31 woman fits the bill. Though she was very hardworking and entrepreneurial, we
find her husband very safe in the city gate, probably solidifying all those
deals she was making as that was where most of the trade was done. It is
impossible to imagine that woman putting her husband in his place as most women
nowadays pride themselves in. Her children were also proud in her instead of
harassed as most of the successful women do to their children.
I said that
I believe the power of the Gospel is what can make a woman a model of humility.
That is what we see with the noble woman here.
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but
a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. (Proverbs 31:30)
It is the
surrender of her life to the guidance and word of God that has the capacity of
producing that kind of woman.
A woman
filled with the Spirit will be subject to the laws of God. It is impossible to
be full of the Spirit and independent. God can never lead you contrary to His
revealed word. The main purpose of the Spirit is not to give us joy, or
laughter, gifts or even tongues. He fills us with the character of the Godhead.
It will therefore produce the nature of God outwardly.
It is
imperative that the check list of that fullness is simply the scriptures as God
will never lead us to disregard His word.
I can never be led of God and break my marriage. I can never be led of
God and disregard the authority of my husband.
Is it not interesting
that the witnessing tool of a woman with an unsaved husband is submission?
Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your
own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be
won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste
conversation coupled with fear. (1Peter
3:1, 2)
This is
because she has been transformed from the natural tendencies of her former life
to a total reliance on the guidance of the Holy Spirit who is at all times
consistent with the word of God in all her doings. It is deception for a woman
to defy her unbelieving husband to attend a religious function, however
spiritual it looks, because it isn’t. Unless it is the spirituality of the
other side! I do not even want to touch on the spiritual leadership of women as
the Bible is very clear on it. Exceptions do not nullify the rule, which is
what I think our generation has perfected. We have made the exception the
normal and the normal abnormal. Yet look at Jesus.
Think not that I am come to destroy the law,
or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto
you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass
from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these
least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the
kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be
called great in the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew
How can we
celebrate the elevation of the Jezebel spirit even in our churches? Why are we
like the people Christ told who want to nullify the word of God by our
traditions? Why are we comfortable with a single mother leading even in church
instead of being involved with dealing with that spirit causing her to seek and
celebrate independence? Aren’t we better off looking for ways to help women and
the unstable men avoid sexual sin that not only causes immense spiritual injury
but also starts that journey? I know there are some women who were taken
advantage of and some even deceived and abused. But should our ministry not be
the one to sort out these issues? In any case don’t they need our healing touch
instead of the release of Jezebel?
A bastard shall not enter into the
congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into
the congregation of the LORD.
(Deuteronomy 23:2)
Why is God
this ‘judgmental’ on a person who had no choice as to where he is born or
raised? How can He condemn a person to spiritual uselessness due to no fault of
I think that
the lack of a father (not through death) may be the clearest indicator of the
Jezebel spirit, if not the cause. A man thus raised has therefore drunk to the
dregs from that spirit all his life. He therefore lacks the spiritual capacity
to approach God even for his own benefit, leave alone for ministry purposes.
That he was to be excluded from the congregation of God’s people even to the
tenth generation tells us how God views our normal.
reason may have been that God wanted family to be revered by all. The family
structure was therefore the only legal way to raise children. Anything else was
in direct opposition to His revelation and therefore excluded from any
structure that originated from Him. Is it not then abominable in the sight of
God that we not only give the bastard’s mother leadership in church but we even
give that forbidden child leadership as well?
We also see
widows being given advice to remarry especially if they were still young, and
that in the New Testament.
But the younger widows refuse: for when they
have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they will marry; I will
therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give
none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. (1Timothy 5:11, 14)
I believe
this will guard them against nurturing the Jezebel tendency in them because of
that independence.
In summary
let me say a few things.
In each
woman’s makeup is the inborn desire to dominate men. This is due to her fallen
nature and not a curse. It therefore needs for her to realize that tendency in
her and to counter it by the power of the Gospel.
I believe
her most powerful weapon in attaining that control is her sex appeal. That is
the reason God warned about intermingling with ungodly nations in marriage.
This is because the devil sends people he has thoroughly prepared to bring
God’s people down even as God’s people are getting in it for the fun or taking
advantage of the opportunities. Samson is one clear example.
Unless for very
few exceptions, the single mother epitomizes the jezebel spirit. No wonder God
blocks her sons from the congregation more or less forever. Her independence is the wrong environment to
raise any children in the spiritual.
A godly
woman is submitted to her husband as she allows the word of God to take root in
her spirit and the Holy Spirit takes complete charge in her life. This is
because God can never lead someone contrary to His revealed will in the
Let me
conclude by saying that there is hope even for a woman with the double portion
of the Jezebel spirit. The only thing I will say is that for anything to happen
acknowledgement has to be made that the spirit in her charge is contrary to the
spirit of Christ. Again I will give examples.
Jericho was
doomed, yet the only person who was doomed even by Jericho was saved with her
family, Rahab the harlot. She had lived off that spirit as it was the one that
provided for her. Imagine she could turn the king away from getting the spies!
Yet she was the only one in the city to connect to Jehovah even as she
submitted to His revelation and leadership.
Magdaline is also said to have been a harlot, which may have been the cause of
her seven demons. That she was rich and formerly independent was not in doubt.
Yet we see her totally submitting to Christ and the apostles after Him. It is
no wonder that she was the first person to see Christ after His resurrection.
The Proverbs
31 woman was all industry but we see her husband and children not suffering under
her authority because she was submitted to the rule of her husband and not
independent as we like to preach.
But I will
not have done my assignment if I do not say that Jezebel and all women
operating in that spirit MUST be judged because that spirit is in direct
opposition with God’s order and structure.
herself was eaten by dogs. Rachael died before getting to her husband’s promise.
Michal never bore the man she loved any child. Athaliah was killed.
But it is
worse because as we have seen with the bastard she does not get into judgment
alone. She goes down with the men she controls, the children she bears, the
money she makes. It is not worth the struggle.
So before
you celebrate the independent woman and the single mother let me ask you these few
questions. Could she be independent from the rule of God in her life even if
she looks all spiritual? Could all that spirituality be emanating from Jezebel
instead of God whose structures her life stands against? Could her preaching
and spiritual leadership be Jezebelic in nature?
God bless
PS. Have you
ever wondered why men who run their families like military institutions have no
complications we find in loving families? Why do their wives not run away or
become adulterous if as people say they are stifled? Why is divorce almost
unheard of in those marriages?
On the other
hand why is it that the most romantic marriages are full of drama from adultery
to separation to divorce? Could it be that all that romanticism is the breeding
and nurturing ground for the Jezebel spirit?
Just asking
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