Then Saul said unto his servants that stood
about him, Hear now, ye Benjamites; will the son of Jesse give every one of you
fields and vineyards, and make you all captains of thousands, and captains of
hundreds; (1Samuel 22:7)
week I mentioned politics in the course of the message I was posting.
mentioned three things that make me not post about political preferences, if
any and will state them briefly.
first said that politics is not redemptive. Nobody was ever drawn to Christ due
to or in their pursuit of politics. Neither have I heard of anyone becoming a
believer as they supported a ‘believing politician. How many have got in as
pillars of character and virtue and left with not a shred of either? How many
have entered as examples of stable marriage and family and left with strings of
mistresses, some younger than their own children? How many have gone in as
respected ecclesiastics and left with people questioning what religious titles
are doing in their names?
is that politics is irredeemable. If truth be told, politics is completely
opposed to the Gospel of Christ.
Christ is my example. Though the season He manifested was probably the most
volatile politically, we never see Him engaging in it though enough attempts
were made to draw Him in. They even made His ‘crime’ political to have Him
And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto
the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not
rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.
(1Samuel 8:7)
I want us to look at politics especially as it concerns the believer.
Then the men of Israel said unto Gideon,
Rule thou over us, both thou, and thy son, and thy son's son also: for thou
hast delivered us from the hand of Midian. And Gideon said unto them, I will
not rule over you, neither shall my son rule over you: the LORD shall rule over
you. (Judges 8: 22, 23)
is what God says about politics.
foundation of politics is rebellion against God’s rule. It is the establishment
of an alternative leadership, a rebuilding of the tower of Babel. It is an
establishment of leadership devoid of God’s superseding Lordship.
is why the ruling motive is hate, the existence of an enemy. You can’t have
politics if there is no enemy, whatever name you may call them. One must show
the superiority of what they are offering and the inferiority of what the
opponent or competitor is offering. You must incite an aversion, even hatred of
the opponent or competitor and everything and everyone he represents. And I
have seen it even in church politics.
has made it even worse. Though in the past there was a king and everything
revolved around him, in today’s world there are many ‘kings’ validly occupying thrones
with all spiritual (demonic) powers controlling them and their systems.
that is at the politest level, the surface.
the surface you will get to see the grossest of intentions, the vilest of the
villainy. And I will take us to the Bible for clarity.
Gideon refused to be made king, his son by a strange woman killed seventy of
his brothers to assume a nonexistent throne. And murders litter the political landscape
throughout the Bible, from Pharaoh killing boys to protect his kingdom to Herod
killing boys to abort the King of the Jews.
murders are not limited to enemies, even perceived ones. Many would sacrifice
their own family. Remember the Moabite king who offered the crown prince as a
burnt sacrifice to turn the tide in a war?
Saul attempting to kill his crown prince Jonathan for trying to speak sense to
him and especially knowing God’s will concerning Saul and his kingdom?
thing we find in politics is the connection with the underworld. From Saul with
the witch to Ahab with his eight fifty prophets, politicians will always have
spiritual guides. But since politics is geared at life independent of God, it
is impossible for politicians to consult spiritual guides connected to the
creator God. It has to be God’s enemy that offers spiritual counsel. It is only
very few that you find seeking godly counsel, and even then it is not all the
time as God’s Lordship does not allow for another king’s prominence. David was
an exception as are many other worshippers in palace courts.
therefore goes without say that a lot of interaction with demons is the fare of
politics. This explains why anything goes with the side one supports whereas
everything is wrong with the other team. Murder and witchcraft are explained
away when it is our team whereas a snide remark is abomination itself when it
is from the opponent.
explains how someone can kill a neighbor for no reason except their political
preference. Someone can raze a neighbor’s property due to political
you wonder how someone can do things during the day that they are ashamed of
doing even during the night after coming from or going to a political meeting?
How does a woman remove all her clothes before cameras? How does someone kill
and rape someone they do not even know after their leader (many times treated
as god) demonizes a community unless demons were released in such a meeting?
has changed from Bible times. And people in the know will confirm this. There
is this very influential politician whose bathing water is used to make tea for
his guests. It is no wonder he enjoys fanatical following among his followers
however idiotic his agenda is. I see even believers arguing using his flawed
and demonic arguments devoid of any sense, leave alone facts.
truth is that you must use the demons a side subscribes to to see sense in some
arguments they use. Of course you can never be neutral in a political argument
as politics have no neutral position.
is why I pity ministers who try to use politics to get a solution. Some even
try to bring politicians together, as if they are ever apart. It is the masses
who must be sawn apart for kingpins to thrive in the game.
remember three different eyewitness accounts of people who came from places
where people were killing and maiming the enemy as they supported their ‘king’.
Yet they went to a hotel and found the two ‘kings’ lounging and laughing together
yet there was no ceasefire on the ground. The blood being poured was a
sacrifice they were making to their gods (Satan) for power or position.
today politicians offer human sacrifices. It is clear when we see the kind of
senseless violence we see during campaigns. They even sacrifice their families
and family members depending on what the devil asks as sacrifice. You see, the
higher the prize you want the higher the price you must pay. It also explains
why witchdoctors will make booming business during the electioneering season.
am I aiming at? Why would a minister of the Gospel allow himself to be
swallowed by politics? Why would a minister take sides in this dirty game? What
does a true prophet get out of skewing his prophecies toward one side?
ruling spirit in politics is certainly not the spirit of Christ. And that alone
speaks a lot.
politician reveres false prophets because he can easily control their
prophecies to suit his agenda. And most kings had their court full of those
prophets. It is the prophet who hears from God and reports accurately who is
endangered. Remember as recently as Mau Mau many died because they refused to
take sides and were hated by both sides because like I have said you can’t be
neutral in politics. You either support us or you are an enemy.
it surprise you that there are bishops and prophets who are at the heck and
call of politicians? Does it surprise you that there are ministers who are
known for their logical political discourses? Does it surprise you that there
are ministers who are the go between of political sides? Does it surprise you
that there are preachers whose sermons are closer to political statements than didactic?
I be wrong if I called these ministers court prophets, prophets for hire? How
different are they from the 850 Ahab had employed?
true prophet will be hated by the political players because he represents
another kingdom, the heavenly kingdom. No wonder they have been killed
throughout history. History, Biblical and secular, is littered with the
carcasses of many a true prophet. Many kingdoms sought to clear their kingdom
of anybody who could hear from God, unless it favored them. Again you just need
to read the Bible to see it. In fact if a true prophet sought relevance in a
court, they ended up being compromised, and then rejected by God as we see with
Balaam and Judas.
your heart beats faster when a politician speaks, chances are that you are
worshipping him irrespective of how intelligently you may argue to the
contrary. If you feel offended when a politician is attacked by another one,
rush back to the cross as you are giving the evidence of being a castaway. If
the Gospel is placed on the backburner when politicking starts, it is very
possible that you really are not a believer in Christ.
friend sent me this message
discovery – Like Maoism in oriental countries, in Kenya, 75% of adult people presently
practice political HATEMONISM as their second religious faith. The rest are
(like) the young preschool children who normally adore their fathers, mothers
and nursery school teachers. (Author Murrey Kerigun)
agrees with what I am trying to point out, that politics is really worship,
worship of another god. That is why people become extremely caught up when
their side is confronted.
you ever wondered why during campaigns there are almost nil evangelistic
drives? Ever wondered why almost all prayer being called for and organized
concern elections and their aftermath?
I said in my last post, Kenya is NOT a Christian nation. We should start
evangelizing it as even people we call Christian ministers have swallowed the
political virus and are completely corrupted in things Christian.
your arguments to the contrary. Only make sure you use the Bible and not your
political preference.
Bible expects us to submit to those with authority over us, not to worship them
and their agenda. We should only worship God. We are also required to pray for
those in authority over us, not revere them as they are also men. The Bible
calls them God’s ministers of wrath to those who do wrong.
voting or refraining from voting (not boycotting as the latest fad in Kenya) is
fine. Registering or deregistering as a voter is also fine. Spiritualizing
those actions is idolatry as they are secular actions in a secular state.
few other things are worth mentioning as they release, or are subject of a
release of similar demons.
you feel hot under the collar when your pastor is criticized without caring to
know whether what he is being accused of is true? Do you feel overly protective
of your favorite football team? Does the defense of your company (or employer)
go beyond the logical? Does your business define you?
these are pointers to idolatry on your part. If anything or anyone gives you
greater excitement than your love for God; if anything offers more direction
than the Bible, it is very clear that it is an idol, a god you are worshipping.
It just does not matter the kind of words you use to explain what you think is
your faith.
ministers started posting wholesome posts after the elections ended. There is
one statement that has circulated that speaks into this message.
‘We are longing for the elections to end so
that we can get back to being saved and posting healthy stuff.’
you tell me this does not expose us as idolaters. And you realize that I am
just mentioning ministers and not believers. You see, if the best is dross, how
bad is the common believer?
clear fact that politics has exposed many ‘believers’, the reason I call them
unbelievers, is that they forget who God really is. They behave (believe) as if
God is smaller than their demigods. Their posts indicate a faith in a god who
is subject to our politics.
wonder where the Bible disappears to once politicking comes around. I wonder
where Christian love disappears to once we take political sides. I wonder the
kind of god we serve going by the kind of posts we are reading from believers.
And the stress our posts are pointing at.
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do
good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
(Galatians 6:10)
forget (did we ever know?) that God is really in charge of this world He
created, that He determines not just what happens but the people to run His
until thou know that the most High ruleth in
the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.And all the inhabitants
of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the
army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his
hand, or say unto him, What doest thou? (Daniel 4: 32c, 35)
is my final take on this. The God I serve is not subject to political seasons.
He actually orders them around for His purpose. He is the King of all kings and
Lord of lords.
this is the One I serve and will therefore not sell that birthright for
political or tribal correctness.
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