Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Without a Trace 2

They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; (Isaiah 14:16)

Last week I posted about people of faith being obliterated by God’s wrath. It is a possibility even today that when we play God we attract His wrath. And playing God does not just mean designating yourself as God or calling on people to bow before you. How they treat you and talk about you can open the floodgates of that wrath.

Remember in Acts Herod being eaten by worms as he gave a brilliant speech? Yet he was not a believer!

I want us to look at unbelievers to get us know that God clears the memory even of those who do not know Him when they elevate themselves above others or are elevated by their people. Worship is the preserve of God. Any other person or thing that invites or entertains it opens themselves to His wrath.

I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images. (Isaiah 42:8)

Why was Egypt flattened during the exodus? Pharaoh had asked, ‘who is the Lord?’ You realize that the Bible says that those ten plagues were God’s judgment on all their gods. In other words Egypt suffered because they came in the way of the Living God. They had called Him to a duel.

Ever realized that most kingdoms do not lose their status through defeat? That most collapse at their peak? Why is it like that?

The God factor! They either start believing they are God or behaving as if they are, whichever words they may use to argue to the contrary. God steps in and they simply implode, without needing human effort.

Remember Sennacherib taunting the God Hezekiah believed in? God goes to his army at night and kills 185,000 of his troops. He then hears a rumor and retreats back home where he is killed by his own sons as he is worshipping his god.

Remember Nebuchadnezzar eating grass? Remember his grandson and mene mene tekel peres when he was having a bash in his palace after he decided to use God’s temple utensils to praise his gods?

Where is Alexander the Great? Where is Julius Caesar? Where is Pharaoh? Where is the Tsar? Where are their descendants?

Can we find the trace of people who shook the world at their peak?

Where are Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Mobutu? What happened to them that we do not hear of their descendants anywhere? Where is Haile Selassie?

Incidentally it is not only the evil rulers who attract that wrath. The very good easily fall therein as their people’s applause easily become adoration. Like Jeroboam and Saul one can start with great and effective people and end up judged because of what people make them into. Many start as servant leaders and end up as tyrants. Yet many are judged because their servant leadership stands in the way of God’s revelation and glory.

I thought I had finished the message until God reminded me to write especially concerning political leaders. God is in the business of demonstrating that He still rules over the affairs of men.

There is an arrogance I am seeing in political class that makes this message very current. There are politicians who are playing God especially to their supporters. There are politicians who speak words implying that even God needs their support to remain God. And I believe there are politicians who are so full of the devil that they are, like these politicians of the past, taunting God because of their ‘popularity’ and power.

And they get this arrogance many times from the men of God they have swallowed into their cult. Ministers are spewing their narrative without thinking. Ministers are bargaining for them without caring that God also an opinion, which is not even an opinion but final authority.

God is about to strike, and the false ministers will be felled with their benefactors and heroes and champions of whatever. And the hit will be so complete that in less than a generation you will not even be able to trace any of their descendants. Like was told Jeroboam they will be swept as completely as one cleans faeces from a house.

And we do not need to look far to see this as a repeat of something God has consistently been doing. How many politicians of the recent past have disappeared? How many of those who made headlines and shook the nation can be traced?

God can use democracy to bring you down. But democracy is a human tool that does not necessarily demonstrate God’s hand.

I believe God will do a thing to leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that He is the one that brings these gods down. Only then will He get the glory that only He deserves. And I will repeat that all those men of God who have swallowed their bait will be swallowed with them.

Let me use the Bible to explain. Jehoshaphat was a godly king. He is the one who put the choir before the army as he went to war. But like Solomon he made a political blunder by aligning with Ahab who was on God’s crosshairs. He even took Jezebel’s daughter for his son though God put several road blocks to that alliance.

Do you realize that his son was killed when the house of Ahab was being obliterated? And there were over forty other princes of Judah who died then. Then this bride from hell decided to clear David’s lineage when her son died. It took an aunt to save the smallest. All the rest were killed. All because Jehoshaphat who feared God was careless with his alliances!

This is a post to believers and not politicians as God has called me to minister to His church.

Repent for involving yourself in politics, even if it was just inviting a politician to your church. Repent even if it was just introducing a politician to the congregation. Repent even if it was just visiting the politician in his office especially because you had a project you wished him to support. Repent even if you only swallowed his narrative and sought to amplify it and forgot about sharing your faith.

You will go down when he goes down.

Like I have said elsewhere politics is a spiritual structure. The judiciary is a spiritual structure. Business is a spiritual structure. Looking for support from a totally different spiritual structure is what the Bible calls harlotry, prostitution. And you know what God thinks about adultery.

Being mixed up concerning the side I belong to can be a disaster, a disaster that could obliterate my lineage. Yet most of us would sacrifice anything for our posterity.

We work hard so that our posterity can lead a better life. Many pursue degrees late in life more for the security of their posterity than the pursuit of knowledge.

Why would you sacrifice that same posterity by pouring vitriol in support of a person who has no problem pouring scorn on the God you worship? Why sacrifice it for someone you are ashamed of his dirty language? Why sacrifice it for one who is not ashamed at visiting the devil’s high places to seek political power?

God is about to strike. I have written some other posts on the blog about politics and politicians if you want to know my take on them. The prophetic books also deal conclusively with God’s dealings with kingdoms to the end of time. And pride and arrogance always brought kings and kingdoms down, without fail.

Are you ready to see God demonstrating His power over our puny political players?

Wait on the LORD, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it. I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found. Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off. But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: he is their strength in the time of trouble. And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him. (Psalm 37: 34 – 40)

On which side will you be found?

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