Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Baiting for Christ

There is a worrying trend in the church of today. We are trying to bait people with worldly goodies to bring them to Christ.

From miracles in advance of a gospel presentation (if it really can be called so), to bringing up crazy sermon topics to attract people to our services, we have become peddlers of what Christ died for, all for the purposes of improving our balance sheets..

Why is it so hard to lift Christ up, the only thing that is guaranteed to draw people to Christ?

Why must we entice people to receive Christ when we actually are inviting them to the guillotine? Why pamper people to salvation when there is enough of a battle to overcome sin?

Is it any wonder we are scared of preaching against sin? Is it any wonder that spiritual growth is an option instead of mandatory as the Bible advocates?

(I trust I will be able to build on this once I get a computer. Please pray that God provides one soon)

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