I am thinking of this virus and what it has been able to
accomplish in just a few weeks.
Isn’t it amazing how it has been able to put to a stop
things that have never even been slowed down for the longest time?
Yet the more I look at it the more I can see another hand
playing behind the scenes. But I do not want to arouse controversy by mentioning
whose hand it is. Suffice it when I say that the God who created us knows and
allows what is happening and is working it out for the good of those who are
committed to Him.
I have said enough times that there are gods and kings apart
from Christ and His Father. He can’t be called the King of kings if there are
no other kings. And He can’t be called the Lord of lords if there are no other
lords. And each plays according to their own rules.
When the true God steps in, He starts by proving the
powerless nature of these gods before judging them. And many times He will
first allow them to thrive to their highest before doing so.
Christ had to die to defeat death. He had to be made sin to
defeat sin. And He became powerless to get all power in heaven and earth.
Then He is able to justly judge the earth and these gods.
What does this have to do with Corona? You may be wondering.
The world was spinning so far out of the orbit it was
created for. And man had become too self-focused to the point of forgetting
that there is God to whom he is accountable to.
Theologians will explain what is happening in two ways.
One is that God is judging the world. But I think that is
against How God works. Though He will and still judges the world, the easier
argument in that direction would be that God has released the world to its
devices or as the Bible says He has allowed the world’s sin to find it out.
Two is that like in Job’s time He has allowed the evil one
to ‘judge’ the world his way so that in that ‘judgment’ he will purify His
As we read the Bible we see God judging what we value and
what runs our lives. Nebuchadnezzar did not eat grass because God hated him.
The king had to know that he was not absolute. Remember the statement he made
before his judgment?
I believe this is what is happening today. God is simply
bringing to naught what is highly esteemed among us. He is disqualifying our
Look at what has been brought down.
I believe that as was in Job’s time, the media has been left
for the purposes of letting us know what is happening. But you can be sure it
will also undergo judgment as the others.
… I only am escaped
alone to tell thee. (Job 1)
In short, everywhere we placed our bets has collapsed. Even
the bets themselves have been judged.
And I do not think it started with Corona.
Remember the Me Too movement?
We needed to know the values by which success plays. Simply
speaking, wickedness many times determines whether we will succeed or not in
this world.
I was in the media and saw up close what the Me Too movement
is just now highlighting.
You do not just need to be a great musician to excel. There
must be an extra sacrifice to make, from sleeping with producers to buying
airplay from anchors. Otherwise you will just excel in your bathroom.
You see the devil does not stop when he leads you to sin. He
uses that sin to finish you as completely as he can by shining his spotlight on
it. Or do you not know he is called the accuser?
Of course this is for the purposes of leading you to give up
on grace. Then he can completely finish you by blocking you from considering
God’s offer of eternal life.
It is the same whichever field you take. The higher the
stakes will mean the greater the sacrifice required.
But God is not overly concerned with the world. He is more
concerned with His own as they are the ones He needs to purify to be ready for
Christ’s Second Advent. Yet in this judgment He also seeks to let the world
know that His grace is still open to whoever will.
If the foundations be
destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Psalm 11:3)
This, I believe, is what is happening.
But the end game is in God’s hands even at this time.
You see, even in Job’s case, though He had released him to
Satan, He already had a plan to raise Job’s status and not wealth as
motivational speakers posing as preachers teach.
Getting to the motivators, do you realize that they are one
industry that has gone completely silent since the virus started speaking?
Have you noticed that it has also completely silenced the
healers and miracle workers?
Now I know God and His power. I have experienced miracles
and healing. I have witnessed them in answer to my prayers.
But like I have always said, those miracles and healing are
not subject to us. They are in God’s domain, and only there.
The minister is therefore subject to revelation.
You see, even Jesus did not perform miracles anyhow. He did
not heal everybody.
How then does a healer (pastor, evangelist, apostle)
advertise their healing and prophetic capacity?
Bring all the sick, all the sick will be healed, are some of
the catch phrases they use to draw people for their ‘events’ and meetings.
They must therefore conjure those healings to meet the
demand they have created.
Corona has put an abrupt stop to all that. And the enemies
of the cross are calling the bluff on these healers, asking why they have
become so quiet.
Miracles demand someone to be in close fellowship with
Christ to be able to know what God is about. Then you will know when to
proclaim and when not.
There are times I have prayed and ‘known’ that God has
performed the miracle that I will just proclaim healing, sometimes even before
the prayer.
Other times the opposite occurs.
But even the healings are as different as the ailments. And
that is why you see Jesus giving orders before the healing occurs.
The simplest to understand are clinical ailments. The body
is malfunctioned and needs resetting. Stomach upset, food poisoning, broken
joints etc.
But some are relational. Though looking clinical in nature,
their cause is different. And God will give an order. Forgive your children,
reconcile with so and so, etc.
Yet others are as a result of sin. Remember the guy who was
brought through the roof?
It therefore means that each category of sickness will
require its own intervention, something only a close fellowship with the
Creator can distinguish.
There healings that occur just because you decide to
dedicate your time to listen. Then they will talk away the poison that was
killing them. And they will leave wondering what you did as you ‘healed’ them
before praying.
The presumption of the healers is amazing sometimes. Some
insist on your falling before you are healed. Others require you to confess or
give, etc.
That is why God is bringing them down. Then He will remain
as the only Healer, moving only with those who are submitted completely to Him.
Prophecy has suffered the same fate. And it is because it
was man-centred. People for the most part prophesied what their followers
wanted to hear and not what God was saying.
I am sure there are some who are now renouncing prophecies
they had received with resounding Amens.
I can see your green card coming. Receive that scholarship
to Europe (or US). God has opened the airspace for you. This especially if the
prophecy was for early 2020.
They had even started prophesying about Corona and why it
was just a small bump. One said it was completely finished and what we see are
just last kicks. And it had not even touched Europe!
That is what happens when you want to thrive outside the
Again there is true prophecy. And it finds its source in a
healthy and worshipful relationship with Christ. Then you will be speaking His
Then of course we see religion being thrashed.
Italy hosts the Vatican, the headquarters of the Roman
Catholic Church. I do not know whether that is the reason it has been thrashed
this badly.
Mecca is closed.
And of course churches and mosques are closed.
You realize that Islam is a communal religion. By this I mean
it gets its power in the herd mentality. Introspection is therefore not
encouraged as there is no allowance for considering anything outside Islam.
But for the first time a Muslim is told to practice his
faith privately. And that is a very dangerous prospect for Islam as they can
easily see the gaps Islam cannot explain outside the herd.
And this is the same with many Christians today. Though we
might be the most enlightened generation, we are probably the most Biblically
illiterate generation since the Bible was translated from Latin. Many follow
their pastors, bishops, apostles and do not read the Bible unless the passages
those imposters request or order.
Again they must learn to practice their faith outside those
And this is healthy as God is interested in having people
following Him by choice and joyfully and not by compulsion or due to pressure.
Christian fellowship is one where each member has an
individual living fellowship with Christ and not one guided by a few with that
Even shepherds are sheep with a Shepherd.
I believe this is what lockdowns and curfews are making of
believers, seekers of a valid relationship with God outside the herd. And I am
sure many Muslims will find it too. Plus of course other religions that thrive
on the herd mentality.
I am also sure that believers will develop other
evangelistic methods and tools for this dispensation. And of course the same
for fellowship and other faith practices.
And that is where the church structure as we have always
known it will take a hit, probably collapse altogether as the new flood of
believers will have no use for out worn out vestiges of past glory.
New York is the centre of the world in a way, being the
headquarters of the United Nations, World Bank, IMF and many other serious
controllers of the world and its economy.
Of course the USA is not only a super power but also the
leading economy in the world.
It is also taking a huge hit from this virus.
Again look at the places worst hit. They are the most part
the places best prepared to handle such calamities. And they are prominent in
some way.
Yet they are always overrun.
This is why I am talking about another hand running the
That is why I am scared for Kenya. Unprepared as we may be,
we could also be in the crosshairs of this hand that is judging the world being
the gateway to Africa for the most part.
Is the church of Christ awake?
Let me close with this verse.
Except the LORD build
the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city,
the watchman waketh but in vain. (Psalm 127: 1)
Our security is in God, and only there.
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