Revival can only rest on what God says as opposed to what we
think or do. It is only when we do what God says that we can have true revival.
Only God determines what revival is. And only He should
guide how we should go about revival.
I want us to look at the Old Testament to let us appreciate
that any revival not driven by the word of God is very short lived and/or
The second thing we will notice is that revival sought for
its own end does not also go far.
Josiah discovered a hidden (neglected? lost?) ‘Bible’, as we
may say.
What happened?
He realized that judgment was sure as judging from what he
was reading they had passed the ‘sell by’ date by which judgment from heaven
was due.
He repented. But he went farther. He sought to know God’s
will concerning the same. He was told that yes, judgment was due. But because
of his repentance he would be spared the same. In other words judgment had been
deferred to a date after his decease.
What he does after the answer is what I want us to look at.
He continues seeking God using the ‘Bible’. No wonder he
could institute a Passover unlike any they had observed since they settled in
Israel as well as cleanse Israel of Jeroboam’s idolatry.
You see, he didn’t have to do anything since he was already
assured of safety from harm and judgment. In any case the judgment couldn’t be
changed by anything he did. Yet he did.
Compare that with many others who had more ‘powerful’
encounters and revelations.
Ahab has an encounter with a devastating drought and God
answering by fire. He at one time faces the wrath of God.
Then he repents to the point of wearing sackcloth. Then God
says that because of the repentance He will defer the judgment to a later time.
What then does he do?
He continues with life as if nothing had happened.
Look at Hezekiah. He prays in bitterness and entitlement and
God adds him fifteen years. Then a team of friends from afar visit him and he
does something God was opposed to.
Among the things God said in judgment was that his children
would be made Eunuchs in another land.
What do we see in this spiritual giant whose past had so
much spiritual potency?
He says that it is fine since he was exempted. And he
continued with his downward trend until his son became the wickedest king Judah
Solomon and Saul started very well. Success made them depart
from the ways of God.
Samuel was a very effective prophet. But I suspect that the
absence of the Bible was the reason his children could not follow his integrity
You see, Samuel followed instructions from God. But he was
not home long enough to pass everything he got to his children.
Compare that with David as he is the closest to Josiah we
He was able to keep his focus on God as he was sold out to
God’s word. And no wonder he becomes the reference for faithfulness and
commitment to God.
Otherwise explain to me how he could feel guilty for just
cutting a piece of cloth from Saul’s cloak when the same Saul was there looking
to kill him, among other things?
Moses was focused as he was always in the presence of God
hearing everything He was saying. Aaron, on the other hand, was with the crowd.
It was therefore very easy for him to be swayed by it. As long as Moses was
around, he was very committed as he was following what his younger brother had
Only consistency with God’s word can keep us consistent in
our walk of faith.
Josiah caught the word and the word transformed him and
everything he did just as it had transformed David.
Lack of the same is what made many wither in their walk of
You see, even in water we can only sail when we make it our ‘foundation’.
We will drown when it is unable for whatever reason to support us.
It is the same with spiritual things. The only sure
foundation is God’s word.
For ever, O LORD, thy
word is settled in heaven. Thy
faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it
abideth. (Psalm 119: 89, 90)
Remember Jesus saying that heaven and earth will pass away
but the word will not?
What does this have to do with revival? You may be asking.
Just as a house is as stable as its foundation, a revival is
as lasting and powerful as its foundations.
A revival whose foundations are prayer and repentance,
though the two are integral ingredients of the same, will fall short of some
key elements of spiritual impact. It will be worse if emotionalism and
experience are involved.
For one, there will be spite for scriptural instruction and
As such, the Bible will only be used to justify the experience
as opposed to what it actually says. Even their theological instruction will
sadly lean in that direction, fighting simple Biblical truths with their agreed
experiential explanations.
Due to that, the marketplace will be inundated with believers
who use ‘force’ to explain what they believe. By that I mean they will use
their experience to force you to agree with them. And of course they will try
their best to force that experience on you.
A case in hand is the Pentecostal (also called Charismatic)
revival of 1906.
They elevated experience above the scriptures. And I am
speaking as a child of that movement.
To them, nothing else matters if you can, or can’t, speak in
tongues. Their whole theology revolves around that single experience whether it
is real or conjured.
These are some of the things I have said elsewhere on the
blog and so I won’t repeat them again.
If I may repeat just one incident, I got saved when I was
nine in the movement. I had a lot of questions (I still have them as anyone who
reads my blog can attest) concerning my new faith.
Unfortunately, the leaders, especially those who had Bibles
(I got mine much later), would always respond to my question with the answer
that the reason I had so many questions was because I did not have faith. This
more or less insinuated that I was at fault for having so many questions. Until
I rebelled. But then God brought me back and connected me to the Bible where I
found answers to my innermost inquiries.
That is the reason my passion for the Bible as the one and
only authority in faith and practice never wanes. I still rue over the almost
ten years I wasted being judged instead of being guided to the Bible for
Incidentally, to this date nothing has changed as I interact
with them from many different places, even countries as I have ministered.
No wonder the prosperity ungospel found a very fertile home
as they also thrive in using just a verse, or a couple of them, to prove
whatever they need to justify.
That is the reason I suspect they are the ones worst hit by
this virus as their theology has no place for it since they have no explanation
as their tongues have been unable to ‘send it back to sender’ as their
erroneous theology indicates.
Yet the scriptures have adequate explanation for this as it
has for everything under the sun. And I do not need to have a ready answer for
everything nor should I expect the Bible to agree with my experience.
Back to Josiah. The word made Josiah want to not only change
but also make a difference in his generation.
And that is what the Bible does. You can never consistently
take in the word of God and fail to want to influence whatever and whoever is
around you. I can hide my experience and constrain it to only those with
similar ones but I can never do the same with God’s word.
You see, the word is alive. This means it cannot be
constrained. That is why prison warders are some of the best trained soldiers
everywhere as they are dealing with constrained human beings. And even then
there are always prison breaks.
That is why the lockdowns and curfews and distancing are so
difficult. That is why working from home by force is so limiting as could be
called imprisoning. Yet if it were by choice it was viewed as liberating.
The other day they were saying that mental health is
becoming such an issue with these lockdowns. In the same report they were
saying that divorce rates are shooting through the roof, and not because of
infidelity as was the case previously. It is because of that sense of
imprisonment. I suspect that a couple being constrained, like most people do,
will blame their situation on the ones closest to them.
This is what being without a solid foundation will do to
anybody. And in the spiritual it will affect our theology and especially our
understanding of God.
A foundation of God’s word also offers security. You can’t
be consuming God’s word and fail to trust God as the word always and ultimately
focuses on God. As such, the externals will be unable to ruffle one’s faith. An
example is useful here.
Jeroboam was given the kingdom God had promised him. He
became scared that the absence of the temple in Israel could swing the people
back to David’s seed. Then he thinks of better security and introduces idols to
kill that insecurity.
Compare that with David when he was overthrown. Then the
priests want to take the ark to accompany the king. Look at his response.
He orders them to return the ark to Jerusalem. And why?
God is still in charge. If He decides that He is done with
me then the ark is of no use. And if He still has use for me, He will get me
back to Jerusalem and the ark. And we see the same when someone grievously
curses him. Again the army wants to deal conclusively with him. But David
forbids them by demonstrating his surrender to God that he knew was in complete
charge of everything and was capable to use those curses for David’s good.
God does not need us to fight for Him. We can only fight His
battles when we are completely surrendered to His agenda. And the only way we
can know that agenda is reading the word He released for our instruction.
As we prepare for the coming revival, isn’t it imperative
that we elevate the place for the word of God in our lives and the lives of the
ones who are seeking to be joined to Christ?
Otherwise we could be found unprepared for the hordes God is
bringing to His family to help them become spiritually healthy brethren.
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