Monday, 10 August 2020

Media Closures

Why do media houses close shop?

The main reason is that they become unable to conceal their loyalties. In short, they make their audience know the workings of their editorial policy.

What do I mean? I know someone is asking.

When a media house shows bias in their reporting of issues, they leave no doubt as to their position in the issues they are covering.

This of course means that their audience will need to openly take sides with their reporting of issues; some becoming loyal because their issues are always given prominence and others shutting them out because they see nothing representative in their reporting.

The reality is that the media does not make money through reporting (except the brown envelopes some reporters and editors are given for favorable coverage). They make money through advertisements.

Cutting your audience in half means your audience reduces. It therefore means that an advertiser will know that his advert is reaching less people since response to his advertisement has reduced. He will of course stop or drastically reduce his advertising in your media house.

With the exodus of those opposed to the bias (or on the opposing side of the bias), there will remain the supporters of your agenda. But since nobody chest thumps in the dark, even those supporters will tire of that discourse since it serves no purpose apart from telling them what they already know because it was meant to ‘educate’ the opponents. They will therefore grudgingly leave the station or whoever was regurgitating their propaganda.

With a reduction in advertisement, the media house will be unable to employ enough or quality reporters, editors and anchors, meaning that the quality of their reporting will also go down, making a bad situation worse. All because of visibly biased reporting.

A wise media owner must keep his biases submerged to remain in business.

Sadly, of late the media has become an appendage of agendas. Some have sold out to a narrative from big pharma yet others have sold their objectivity to government and political leadership. Others have become lazy and stopped looking for news, regurgitating whatever news they are given without bothering to verify them.

This has meant that news has become boring. Even children know what to expect from a news bulleting; figures and more figures about corona and other related news.

When was the last time you heard someone rushing home to catch the seven o’clock news?

The virus has exposed the media’s underbelly. Almost everybody can now see that they are a gun for hire and that they will promote the agenda that pays them well without caring for objectivity. You cannot be able to get objective and balanced news from most of our news outlets.

For example, do you ask why there are no positive news about this virus? Why does a virus that kills less than 1% of those it infects appear so destructive, almost spelling doom to the entire world unless we take a vaccine some people are touting?

For example, researchers have found out that in a slum in India, 57% of those infected have developed antibodies for the virus. Why is that not being reported on mainstream media?

In fact as I was checking on that story, I saw the headline CNN had given it was so negative I didn’t even open to read. The only accurate thing in that headline was 57%. And then they are perplexed depression is becoming so prevalent!

I will say again, most of these media houses will close shop for bending too low for an agenda.

You see, when people become tired with your bad news (depressive agenda reporting), they will look for news that will uplift them. And when you block objective news, people will simply stop following you. And your advertisers will follow the people. And it will become even worse for you because even your sponsors need those people and so will desert you when the people leave.

You can delete videos and flag information. But the media is liberalized. Meaning people will look for those videos and stories that you have blocked and get them. In fact you have weaned them off your biased reporting by showing them you do not care for what they want.

In short you are on your way to the dustbin. Very soon you will not be there or will have to sell yourself to other owners.

I can authoritatively say that.

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