Sunday, 30 August 2020

Nowhere to Hide!

It is interesting that people complain about the invasion of their privacy when they are caught with their pants down, literally.

A case in point is this sadistic whoremonger who came to carry out a survey about loose women.

He feels justified in his quest yet I know he will vehemently protest if his ilk are judged according to his behavior.

But probably the saddest part is that he knowingly and proudly infected all those women with HIV in his adventure. How can a person be so wicked?

I want you to realize however that I am not defending the women. They had to be whores for him to be a whoremonger.

I saw the heading of a story about one such woman. She had lied to her husband that she had gone for a job related trip. Then he sees her picture cosying with the guy!

Now people will feel for those women and their marriages. They will feel that they were unjustly and unfairly exposed.

But let me ask another question. Suppose they had not been exposed. Would it have been fair to expose their husbands to HIV? Does it mean that cheating is okay if it is not found out?

Sin never changes and is as destructive when it is hidden as when it is public, probably more.

But the thrust of this post is that sin can never be hidden. The devil who tempts you to sin will expose your sin for his purpose which is to destroy you in due course.

Therefore don't be afraid of them, for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed; and hidden that will not be known. What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in the ear, proclaim on the housetops. (Matthew 10: 26, 27)

In the past, it was one’s commitment to and fear of God that kept believers in the straight and narrow. And the fact that the Bible says that God sees everything and as in these verses has given that reality that nothing is actually hidden. Someone without that revelation changed when they came to a place nobody knew them.

I have been in those far off places where there is an almost nil chance of being caught and seen things. I have gone for those job trips and also seen things. You would see people who were pastors and elders where they came from behaving as if they had never heard of God because ‘who would know?’

Some of us who decided to play fools by following God’s commandments were made fun of for avoiding cheap fun.

Incidentally, I have heard enough about serious church leaders changing their church garb after fruitful ministration to indulge in a pint. I have also heard that in those high end hotels there are corners reserved for senior bishops with girls their daughters’ ages. In fact, some Christian organizations will ‘pair’ workers to maximize on their working retreats as a matter of course. Anyone who decides they are ‘too righteous’ to take another spouse for that period will always be left out. And I am talking about several sources. I have avoided politicians and tycoons because they are in their turf when they do so.

But today that verse does not mean God exposing. We really can’t hide. From CCTV to amateur paparazzi to an accidental phone recording to a social media thread, we are always open to exposure.

But exposure is not the real problem; sin is.

Nobody sins by accident. We can argue most eloquently about being caught in a bad situation or circumstances but you cannot use that to defend your sin. Sin is allowing the devil to arrange the circumstances for you to sin. But it is you who will sin. That lady left home knowing she was going to sin.
And I suspect the rest were like her. That is why she lied to her husband. She committed adultery long before she slept with that man.

What if her marriage breaks? Would it be because of the evidence of her cheating?

The reality was that it was broken before she left home deceitfully. She had already deserted her marriage bed before she went to meet the sampler of loose women. It is only that she had covered her bases well that her husband ‘foolishly’ assumed he had a wife.

The devil just introduced shame to the deception by the exposure. Otherwise she may have thought she was very clever. Imagine leaving a dumb husband, going places to play the harlot and coming back without him suspecting anything! Sadly, there are many spouses who are like that.

What kind of deception is that? How can someone be so foolish as to endanger the marriage they value for the pleasure (or coin) of a moment? Otherwise they should be celebrating the exposure as it then gives them permission to walk out of a torturous union.

It is only those who obey God’s commandments because they are God’s commandments who are safe since the reality of God shields our minds from imagining cutting any corners. And of course grace enables us to obey.

We obey because we have no illusions about God. We are assured that He loves us and has set these bounds for our good. It is those who have issues with God’s love who have no problem cutting corners. You see, they either doubt God’s power or His love, or both. Sadly for them, the consequences for that attitude are exactly as God has stated in His word

So, before you think of cutting corners against God’s commandments, think carefully.

There is never any escape from sin.

And it is not only sexual sin that is exposed. There is so much uproar about endemic corruption and wickedness in high places. And they are so deceived as they think hiding behind those big offices of power they can be immune to God’s exposure, especially because they control the investigative bodies.

As God’s word says, their shame and judgment is coming.

Run away from sin. There is nowhere to hide or escape judgment.

And the best place to run is to Christ as He already paid the penalty for those sins.

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