Friday, 23 July 2021


A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. (Deuteronomy 23:2)

I want to continue writing about the independent woman and her fruit.

I hope you realize that not all single mothers produce bastards. Only the independent woman can and does produce bastards.

Let me explain.

The independent woman kicks at the structures, let me not even call them spiritual, though they are. She trashes conventions.

She then creates her own structures and conventions as the head of the same.

Let us go to the Bible.

Hagar made Ishmael what we know him for because she challenged Abraham’s promise. Were it not for the Abrahamic fact they could have been done away with.

Hagar first seeks to supplant Sarah when she gets pregnant. And we see her son also seeking to supplant Isaac at his ceremony.

To date we see his descendants trying to supplant Israel and everything Israel in their narrative. Look even at their book the Quran.

Yet do you realize that Abraham had other sons after Isaac?

Let me just talk about one, Midian.

Incidentally, apart from giving Moses a wife, he must have instructed him in the ways of faith those forty years he lived with him. And that because we later see him advising him about his leadership.

Yet never once do we see Midian fighting for space. He was content being Abraham’s son without needing to be made or appear to be the son of promise. Yet Ismael continues fighting to date.

If truth be told, Midian occupies a higher position than Ishmael since his mother was married after the death of Sarah and so couldn’t really be called a concubine. She was only called that in the context of the promise.

Gideon had over seventy sons. I am sure several of them were sons of concubines.

I want us to look at Abimelech.

Though Gideon refused to be made or even called king, his mother gives him a kingly name.

His mother was the reason he could kill all his brothers to rule when none of them had shown any interest.

The point I am making is that it is not the fact that a woman has no husband that makes a bastard. It is the spirit of rebellion being reproduced in the son that makes him a bastard.

Let me explain.

Take this girl who innocently was sold to a son of Belial who does his martial training with her. Her continued submission means death or disability, forget what it does to her children.

She does not leave him because she seeks independence. She daily prays for her marriage and her husband to change. She has not trashed him or all men. She has not moved to other men. She continues being faithful to her vows.

That is the spirit her children will pick.

Or take this other on whose man is the cockerel of wherever he goes, sampling women and girls like a wine taster.

Again, even forgetting the impact of his conduct to in his children, she is at high risk of dying from a myriad of STDs.

Again she does not go out to demonstrate her attraction or hit back at his waywardness. She continues valuing herself and keeping her vows. That is the spirit her children will pick.

Abigail was such a woman. Married to a man without honor, she sees him selling his posterity to destruction and decides to step in.

Rebellion is what produces bastards.

It could have been ignited by abuse or unfaithfulness, but the reality is that the woman had that seed even before that maltreatment. The bad treatment just brought it out.

It is possible to walk out and still be full of grace just as it is possible to remain in an abusive marriage and still be full of grace.

But the only way to have grace is to allow the grace of God to work in your life and the standards of God to operate in your life. It is to allow God to deal with your hurting heart and bring it healing.

Only then will you be able to look at your tormentor (assuming he is so) with grace. Then you will be able to look at his offspring with grace and disconnect them from your past injuries.

Then, whether you decide to remain or leave, your spirit will be pouring out grace instead of poison.

Otherwise the poison in your spirit will poison everything and everyone who comes close to your person. And children have no choice on that.

When you hear a woman always speaking negatively against men, all men, it is a red signal that she is hurting. But worse is the fact that she is not willing to let go of her hurt.

Unless she heals, her children will become bastards, disqualified from the things of God.

And that because even if they are allowed they will pile all that hurt on everybody they come across.

It becomes worse when they get married before healing as we see in Proverbs 30: 21, 23.

What am I saying?

Woman, allow God to heal you from all that hurt because only then will you be of any use to Him or His kingdom.

The sad fact is that we have so many of these hurting and spewing venom women jostling for positions in church for them or their bastards. And the leadership look at their purses instead of hearts as they give them those positions.

It is no wonder that the church has stopped for the most part being the refuge to the hurting.

When will we give God our hurting hearts to heal?

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