Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Why Our Generation is Doomed

I have written elsewhere that our generation is the block to probably the greatest move of God since creation.

Today I want to explain why God MUST get us out of the way to be able to bring to pass His purposes on earth.

Remember a whole generation had to be cleared before Israel could get into Canaan?

And I recently came to realise that it was more than the 603,000 who were counted who were swept out of the way.

Did you realize that only the ones who were able to go to war were counted? This means that most people over forty were not included in the census. It is therefore possible that over one million men were cleared.

Back to our topic.

Do you know that in the not so distant past armed robbers would come to surrender their arms to church when conviction caught up with them as would many other criminals?

Why is there so much murder even involving people trained and paid to protect society? Why is none of them running to church?

You see, our generation started looking for trained instead of called shepherds. Instead of getting loving shepherds, we look for the most qualified hirelings.

How do I go to an armed pastor or one with armed bodyguards to surrender a firearm? How do I go to a skilled theologian to pour the splinters that are my life to bring them together?

We forgot where we started and built structures that block people who are called as we were from ministry.

Many of those who love being called fathers of ministry started with nothing but a calling and passion for ministry. Many were plucked out of classrooms and lecture theatres to join ministry. And the church had no qualms allowing them to exercise their calling in ministry. Many simply resigned from their jobs or closed businesses to pursue the call. And they were received and allowed to minister.

Why is it that now that you head those structures you insist on someone having advanced degrees to do what you were allowed to do with no papers whatsoever? Why are you blocking people from serving God under you? Why do you brand someone a firebrand when your call was just like his?

The church of Ephesus was rebuked for leaving their first love. Ours has forgotten there was any love at all.

Like the Galatians were told, they started by the spirit but have resorted to living by the flesh.

We are blocking God from moving by our structures and titles. And we think God is clapping for us for being so creative and wise.

But I think that the clearest indictment on our generation is that we have commercialized the Gospel and ministry. What I mean by this is that we have treated God and His work as just another way of earning one’s keep.

I fight with fellow ministers (they are the ones who actually fight me) because I refuse to commercialize the writing ministry God has entrusted to me.

Not so long ago a very senior minister told me emphatically that God cannot tell me to give my books out for free as if he was there when God issued that order. It grieves very many ministers that I do not make any money from all the books I produce.

Interestingly, they have no qualms at all when I do not charge them for publishing their books which includes among other things editing and layout which are many times beyond their financial capability had they chosen to go to business people dealing with the same. Many times that is the reason they come to me.

They do not even know about my involvement in producing Audio Bibles and giving them out which is even more costly.

Commercializing the Gospel makes it unattainable to the poor, the focus on the anointing Christ quoted. And that alone is enough to disqualify it as the Good News.

And we do not need to look farther than the popular preaching and teaching of today. It is meant to make someone comfortable so that they can then easily fork out cash to the preacher. That is why preaching against sin has almost completely disappeared from the faith. In fact you may be shocked to realize that even evangelism seeks to bring people to Christ without addressing the sin issue.

Even prophecy has fallen into the same error. We do not prophesy to bring about the purposes of God. We prophesy to make a name for ourselves so that we can then access the cash offerings.

And we expect God to be indifferent to this!

The last nail on our coffin is due to my last point. We are unwilling to allow others to take our positions. We have completely locked out the next generation from taking the reins of leadership, insisting that our anointing disqualifies retirement. We talk about mentorship when we are talking about our grandchildren and spiritual toddlers, plus of course loyalists, many who have no idea what ministry is.

When we were starting ministry, there was an urgency and we had timelines before when we ought to have finished our assignment and either handed over or gone home to hear, ‘well done, good and faithful servant’. At that time forty was many times the target.

Then the rewards of ministry became too sweet that we forgot those timelines.

We then said fifty when forty came too quickly. And fifty came quicker still. Then sixty and it also disappointed us. And we are changing church constitutions to do it.

Now we are stuck because we are unable to hide from the fact that we are changing the said constitutions to serve our person. But we are still not willing to leave the spoils of ministry.

We are therefore leaving no options even for God but to kick us out of life for His work to progress.

I hope you understand me.


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