Monday, 26 July 2021

Compulsion in Faith

Jesus said therefore to the twelve, "You don't also want to go away, do you?" (John 6:67WEB)

I want to address us to probably the clearest distinction between Christ’s church and cults. And it is the fact that Christ never at any one time takes our capacity for logical choice.

Christ never pushes us to make compulsive choices. Neither will He take us to positions where our power for making choices and decisions is lost or compromised.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2Timothy 1:7)

He will never intimidate us to make choices that we would rather have not made.

And I will quickly add that He will also give our minds ample reason to explore the consequences of those choices we make.

He is not like those brokers and partners who will have some small print below the dotted line you will sign on. Then they will use them when you cop out of the contract.

One time I was invited to what they call network marketing training forum. And you know those meetings are enticing to the point that they make someone commit before thinking through other things. But I was somehow able to postpone the commitment part because it is important as a minister to consult with the Headquarters first.

Do you know the question God asked when I prayed?

Where is their exit clause?

I realized that from all the training and enticement there was really no option of leaving once I joined.

Of course that was God’s answer for me since from my experience walking with Him He is at will to change orders whenever He wished as my Lord.

Incidentally I have attended a few other such and always see the same thing. There is no considering of an exit in their invitation to join.

But it is not so with Christ.

He always gives us choices.

If you MUST attend that church; if you MUST support that prophet; if you MUST join that group; that is a clear signal that your relationship to that person or group is unhealthy and ungodly.

The Christian faith comprises of choices we make and can unmake.

This of course means that we must consider all options before we make those choices as we will then be bound by them as God honors promises that are made and will hold you accountable to keep them.

That is why sobriety is important. You must go through the decisions and choices you make before making them. Remember what Ecclesiastes 5:5 says?

And that is the clearest distinction between faith in Christ and all other faiths.

We follow Him with our eyes open, wide open. And that is the beauty of our faith as it is bathed in freedom.

Is that your faith?

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