But to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. (Isaiah 66:2b)
Some believers are so good at
reading and explaining things that are not written in the Bible. They seem or
want us to believe that they know more about God’s heart and workings than He
has said in His word.
Some of us, however, are not that
bright. We do not desire or even look between the written lines of the divine
writ. We are content with what is there as it is already heavy enough to
follow. Reading and understanding between the lines is therefore beyond our
capacity. And we are content with what is written anyway.
In any case, what is the need of
knowing what lies between the lines when what is on the lines is so clear?
How is it that someone who picks
the Bible and reads it is led to Christ yet they do not even know of anything
in existence between the lines? Were we taught anything between the lines when
we believed?
Let me pick a case to get us
understand what I am saying.
God hates divorce. And that in
the Bible is clear as day.
Yet have you noticed how many
will jump at you if you write that statement somewhere?
Where is there so much argument
about such a clear statement?
Hate is not the same as being
biased against, or ambivalent, or displeased with. Hate is a strong word.
Has anyone ever said they hated
you? Did you read between the lines? Which lines?
The God who will hold us
accountable for every idle word we speak can therefore not be expected to issue
a word that does not mean what He is saying or means.
Please get that into your foolish
head and never try to explain something God hates.
Trying to use homosexuality to
make it appear less hateful does not change a thing because God still HATES
divorce. Homosexuality is an abomination and not the perfume to cover the
stench of divorce that God hates.
The reason I enjoy reading the
Bible is because I do not try to understand beyond what is written and so am
always given understanding for what is written.
But those who think they are
brighter take a peep in the darksome places between the lines to bring in
strange doctrines to help explain away their disobedience and lack of pursuit
for right revelation. Sadly, pulpits are full of them.
I have been kicked out and
punished and banished for questioning leaders who did or taught things opposite
to what the Bible clearly says. In short I was punished for refusing to
accommodate the between the lines theology, a thing I will never do.
And even on this net there are
people who hate me because I punch holes in their between the lines doctrines.
I always ask, why look between
the lines when the lines are clear and understandable?
And divorce is not the only thing
God hates. But it is a good place to start.
Do not entertain divorce
anywhere, not even in your mind, because you will then be doing something God
It is a good thing to start
hating what God hates.
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