And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. (1Corinthians 14:35)
I have become a farmer, albeit a very ‘small’ one.
Like I have always said, Biblical revelation is easier to understand with a farmer’s perspective.
I am therefore learning, and many things at that, especially as I study animals and birds in my compound.
I recently posted that a cock has a lot more responsibilities than just giving a seed.
Let me today write a bit about ducks. Incidentally this is the first time I am interacting with Donald’s relatives.
I first bought a couple and we had quite a fight making them enter their bedroom. But eventually they settled.
Then I bought two other females and the battle was in the first day when we had to group them with the chicken.
In the next day the first ones comfortably entered their room but the rest rebelled.
When the male saw that they were refusing to enter, he left his room, followed by his partner and slowly led them to the chicken’s room and from that day they always ‘sleep’ there.
Then I thought that the drake may be immature to give seed to the ducks and I bought a mature one.
The two ducks transferred their loyalty immediately, even having a difficult time getting inside because the big drake would not. It was when he agreed to get in that the struggle ended, after a few days.
Then I got to think about marriage.
Do you realize that a similar thing happens when a woman transfers spiritual authority to someone other than her husband?
They might sleep on the same bed and even continue being faithful to each other but in the spirit the marriage snapped.
And it is so whether that other man is a bishop, prophet, pastor or witchdoctor.
You see, marriage starts in the spiritual and is then consummated in the flesh.
And that is why Joseph was told to take Mary his wife though they had never had sex. (I have written on the dangers of dating due to this)
If your husband is the prayer request you take to whoever, please know that you are being unfaithful to him.
You see, a husband is the head of the wife spiritually before these other aspects come into play.
It means that if you are not spiritually submitted to your husband you are an adulterer in the spiritual realm; meaning that your marriage is already broken in the spiritual, however romantic you may be to each other.
The clearest example we can get in the scriptures is Michal, David’s heartthrob.
When she agreed to being married off after David fled the palace, she transferred her spiritual authority to another, effectively dissolving her marriage to her first love.
That is why much later when she comes back to him she is unable to connect to his spiritual pulse as we see when she is commenting on David’s dancing.
Her father had no legal basis or authority to take her to another man because David had paid the requisite dowry. She is the one who transferred the same to him and later to another man.
Or don’t we see Jonathan going to demonstrate his submission to David in the wilderness yet he was the crown prince and in the army that was looking to kill him?
That is what happens when another man (or woman) is given spiritual reins of a woman’s life. She becomes unable to submit spiritually to her husband.
That disconnect is the spirit is not discerned unless in the spiritual. But it can be felt and its impact seen.
A man with a wife who has transferred spiritual submission elsewhere can sense the distance growing though he cannot explain, let alone understand what has happened.
Then, due to that spiritual disparity, they will start growing apart. And many times actual unfaithfulness is the result with the man many times being the culprit. Yet he is the victim of spiritual adultery in the wife, an adultery he may never know exists.
This is why we have enough cases of hyper spiritual ladies complaining about adulterous husbands. And it is the same with very churchy women.
Their spiritual loyalties are elsewhere and the husband has his spiritual authority hanging. And that low hanging fruit is very attractive to temptation.
Now there is no excuse for sin. But I am convinced that wisdom dictates that we use all the means at our disposal to block all entrances of temptation, and for the woman it is complete spiritual submission to your husband, however unspiritual you might deem him to be.
Or haven’t you read this?
Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. (1Peter 3: 1, 2)
What else do you want me to say?
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