Monday, 18 October 2021

Stretching the Scriptures

There are religious clichés we have used through the ages that they have taken the authority of scriptures. 

Sadly, some of them are as opposed to the scriptures as a statement from hell.

You see, when the serpent told Eve that she would not surely die, he was not entirely false as they did not die immediately (at least physically). But it was dangerous because it twisted God’s words to fuel rebellion. It was thus a lie packaged as a truth.

One such statement has disturbed me for a long time because it appears all true and scriptural, though the scriptures are really contrary to it.

It says that all sins carry the same weight to God. And I know that you may have even quoted that ‘scripture’ in your preaching. In short God treats all sins alike.

But is that scriptural?

Is mass murder the same as a white lie? Is bestiality the same as bending the truth to impress in an interview?

Does the Bible at any time even imply such a thing?

If sins are the same, why then are their sentences different? Why should one give a sin offering while another is stoned yet another is burned?

But you see, we must protect our transgressions, especially against being pointed out. And what better defense than pointing back by showing that all sins are equal.

Do not judge me for sleeping with someone’s wife because last week you lied that you do not have money because you were not ready to lend to someone who never repays debts (and all sins are equal to God).

In short, that statement is a clutch people use to protect themselves from being held accountable for their transgressions.

It is not any different from the stretching of the ‘do not judge’ 

Like I have always posed, have you ever heard anybody quoting the said statements when they are walking right? Have you ever heard someone using them to defend their right living?

Those statements find their validity in sin and the pursuit of sanitizing it.

Do not be a party to distorting scripture to defend sin and lawlessness. God hates it and must judge it.

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