Thursday 27 June 2024

Explosion (Jonah and Stunted Revival)

For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? (1Peter 4:17)

This comes in the wake of the ongoing demonstrations by our youth against the government’s policies. And I do it with a heavy heart.

How come the judgment started outside God’s household? And please do not tell me that the president and his deputy are staunch Christians, the simplest reason being that they are holding a purely secular office, their confessions notwithstanding.

I will also say something that will offend many about them because in the light of the scriptures they are really not living according to scripture.

How can their wives be their spiritual guides? That the husband is the head of the wife is first and foremost a spiritual mandate before taking any other dimension.

This directly means that we lack spiritual authority from the highest office.

The fact that the spiritual leadership of the nation (the bishops and other denominational leaders) have no issue with that is a clear indication of the blind leading the blind. And I have wanted to write about this for a long time but felt it would have produced more heat than light and so kept quiet.

But I cannot do so any longer since the nation is burning. And the fire has started from the wrong side.

You see, judgement, to move effectively and accomplish the most impact, must start with the people of God. Then the transformed (through the impact of the judgment) are in a better position to guide the world in a God led judgment of the world and its systems.

The issues the youth are raising with the government are even more prevalent in church. And they have been there for a very long time. They are things I have written about many times because they pain God’s heart.

What are they? You may wonder.

The first is an unresponsive leadership.

The leadership simply does not seem to know or care what ordinary Kenyans are going through.

When you want to tax a business that is barely surviving, a business that does not adequately support its owner, let alone employees for those who have them, you are simply intending to kill more than business.

When you want to increase the tax of an employee who moved from their rented house to live with the parents because the demands on the salary were inadequate to pay any house rent, you are courting disaster because you are creating desperation.

The second reason is the double talk of the leaders. They speak what they do not do.

When you tell the populace to tighten their belt when you are extending your hems, what do you think the led will feel? When you reduce money to support the needy people’s education yet allocate billions for the renovation of your mansions, what message are you sending?

How do you expect someone barely affording fare to work to feel when you use the money occasioning that increase to buying yourself a new fuel guzzler whereas the one he uses is almost new?

Is that not what the church leadership is like?

I do not know whether I have told you of this time in a service when somebody collapsed as the church was singing (worship as is called nowadays)

His problem was that he had not eaten for days.

This in a megachurch whose main men drive guzzlers for special occasions and other cars for mundane duties.

The main person will have a paid vacation across the oceans yet some members (who are also serving in the same structure) are unable to pay their children’s school fees.

I was told of this bishop who drives a guzzler and his deputy was unable to pay maternity for his wife.

That is why I am saying that judgment has started from the wrong end.

It ought to have started in the church because we have been at it long before ‘our’ man took the reins of the nation. I suspect he leant the game from his close association to all these men and women of God.

The other bone of contention for the youth is the skewed appointments.

People are being appointed in positions for the simple reason that they are friends to the boss.

Of course, nobody expects someone to appoint ‘enemies’ to work with him.

But it is wrong when a non-performer is given an office to run. It is inappropriate when a rude and abrasive person is handed a public office, however loyal he is to the boss. It stinks when someone who is not trusted by the public is given a public appointment.

As I said in the post, ‘The King’s Ring’, public office is a trust and not a possession. One is therefore accountable to the one who gave him that office.

Incidentally, the same things thrive in church as anyone who has served in church long enough will confess.

Probably the last reason I will state is arrogance.

Why has it taken this long before the president sees the writing on the wall? Why has it taken death and destruction before the president’s pastors advised him to come down?

The problem is that he has no ears on the ground, just like the bishops and pastors advising him.

A minister friend posted this verse today on the spiritual leaders of our nation. I will post it and add the following one.

His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. (Isaiah 56: 10, 11)

For me, the first culprit of the mess that is happening in Kenya is the man of God who has the president’s ear. It is the man of God who has the ear of the other leaders (from CSs to the MPs)

They are the ones who are supposed to have the ear on the ground. They are the ones supposed to know the temperatures in the nation. And they are the ones who ought to accurately know the state of the hearts of those people they lead.

The fact that they started speaking after the kettle had boiled over justifies the verses I have quoted.

They do not know because they do not care. And this because they are as removed from their congregations as the political leadership is from those who elected them.

That is why I repeat that judgment ought to have started with the house of God because they are the cause of what is happening.

I pray that another generation takes over the rotten leadership of those state house seeking shepherds who do not speak for their flock.

But it will be a judgment, a judgment worse than what we are seeing in the political realm. And it is because God will be the One running the show.

I am not praying for protests and demonstrations to replace these self-seeking shepherds. I for one won’t attend any if it is called.

You see, when judgment begins in the house of God, you can be sure that it is God doing the judging because He is fed up with how His flock is being led and how the church His Son purchased with His blood is running.

That is why I do not expect an explosion as we have seen in the political arena.

We will have an implosion.

Probably I am not using the right word.

But what I mean is that the judgment that will happen in church will not be the product of external forces like demonstrations and forceful evictions, though there are places that may just happen.

God will do a thing in our time that will make those fake shepherds flee from those titles and pulpits.

That is the reason I wrote the post on Jonah and Stunted revival.

I believe the time is right. There are indicators all the same.

And that is why we must have enough back up for spiritual leadership for the time these goons will flee or be forced out of the scene.

Why am I using such unsavory terms? You may wonder.

Why does God call pastors dogs who cannot bark? Why did Jesu call the spiritual leaders of His day whitewashed tombs and brood of vipers?

We must have spiritual leaders to stand in the gap once God restructures the spiritual leaders of our generation. Otherwise we will be like Nineveh of old.

The movers of this new move, as I have written in my past post, will be the so-called Gen Z.

They will need elders to help them take over the leadership of God’s church.

I have written this hurriedly. But I felt compelled to do it

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