Very few believers love Jonah.
But this is not the reason I am writing this.
I want us to look at the whole topic of
revival, using Jonah as our subject.
That Jonah refused to go to Nineveh is clear to
all. That he even protested the pardon of the city after their repentance due
to his ministry is also clear.
The fact that he even protested to God for that
pardon tells the kind of heart this man of God had towards his enemies.
That God had to use an object lesson to make
him understand His nature is telling.
That is where I want us to start. Allow me to
ask a few questions.
Do you think God was only interested in the
Ninevites just repenting? Do you think that was God’s end game?
Let me ask a related question.
Was the birth of Isaac God’s end game for
I am sure you will say no.
That is what I want us to examine when we are
looking at Jonah.
Repentance was the gateway, the key to a
grander plan and purpose for Nineveh. It was the starting point for what God
had in store for that heathen city.
God’s purpose for Nineveh was a complete
spiritual transformation that was to be activated by that repentance.
God had wanted to create another centre of
worship, if I may use such crude words.
Did it happen?
We know it didn’t because later Nahum proclaimed
similar judgment on them.
Why did it not happen?
I believe Jonah was the reason. And you will
allow me to demonstrate why.
God never sends a random message to a person or
He sends a complete program of action with the
capacity of turning around everything.
He also releases implementers of that program
to ensure that it is not aborted or stunted.
Jonah was one such person.
God did not send him with the singular purpose
of proclaiming that judgment and awaiting its fulfilment. He was sent to
supervise and entrench the revival that the repentance was bound to birth. He
was God’s messenger of restoration.
But he failed like many other prophets before
and after him.
Though from his complaint he knew that God was
about restoration, he had no place for that restoration in his heart. No wonder
he was so bitter to God about His forgiveness, a forgiveness he knew was bound
to happen even before reluctantly taking on that assignment.
That is not my problem, though.
My problem is that even after God demonstrated
why He had sent him to Nineveh, he did not complete his assignment.
What was his assignment? I know you are
His assignment was to stay in Nineveh and teach
them God’s ways so that the revival lasts.
Allow me to also give you another Biblical
Remember Elijah and God answering by fire?
Yet what happened after all the false prophets
were slain after such a national turning to God?
Nothing much. They were shortly back to their
old ways.
You see, Jeroboam had expelled the Levites who
were the custodians of God’s word. This means that the revival went on
autopilot since there was nobody to guide it since even the catalyst of the
same fled from the scene. And with no Levites, they did not have the word to
guide their revival.
Passion and revival are not related.
However genuine and deep repentance is, it must
be built on God’s word to last.
That was the main purpose of the calling of the
They were the custodians of God’s relationship
with His people. This explains why they were let off all other
In the absence of the Levites, God will require
a similar servant to take on the responsibility of spiritual formation and
instruction after repentance.
Leaving the repentant to their own devices is
akin to leaving a newborn to cater for all his needs which in spiritual terms
is not much different from a still birth, only more painful just like the death
of a child is more painful to a parent than a miscarriage.
And it is not because the repentance was not
genuine just like you cannot call the conception of a stillbirth or miscarriage
It is because, just as a child needs nurture to
become somebody, a revival needs nurture to last. Otherwise, it will be a small
blip on the graph of spiritual activities.
I do not know whether you realise that most
revivals had young people at the forefront. By young I mean below thirty years
and many times unmarried.
At that time the whole world is before them and
they fear nothing.
This means that taking risks is normal.
What happens when this person gets connected to
the call of God?
They will literally fly off without a care in the
world. They will respond to God without caring what anybody and everybody is
saying and thinking. They will pour their last coin, even empty their savings,
to do what they know is right or congruent to their passion.
But life is not that romantic. It is real, with
enough warts to deter the most determined.
In a short while, their investment runs out.
Their savings dry out. Their passion is sat on so heavily that they are unable
to breath. They discover their passion had enemies probably more passionate in
their opposition than they were in their pursuits.
What then happens?
Not only will they have run out of steam, they could
be devastated.
They might eventually resort to thinking that
God is not worthy of that sacrifice and abort what they had poured their all
That is the focus of this post.
I was once a young man and was as passionate as
the best of them. Yet I am still passionate about God and His call when many of
my compatriots let off steam, some completely deserting the faith or simply
became perennial pew warmers.
What was the difference? You may wonder.
To add fuel to the fire, allow me to give you
an incidence in my life.
I joined the media school around the time my
faith was brimming to overflowing, not long after I had responded to God’s call
in my life. I was in no doubt that God is the One who had taken me there.
For one, I did not apply. Some other people did
it for me as I was busy serving God very far from the city when the opening
Secondly, they even wrote my names incorrectly.
And I am not talking about the arrangement of my names. The names they used did
not agree with my ID or certificates.
Thirdly, the competition for the college was
insane. Plus a few other things that ought to have locked me out completely.
But I found myself there.
When we went for the first attachment and I
told the guys who were working at the station I was sent that I was saved, one
of them called me aside. This is what he had to say.
Do you know the history of media? Nobody
remains saved. (Incidentally it was the only broadcasting media house in Kenya
He went on to give me example after another of
people who joined on fire and the kind of life they led. He then gave me three
months to be just like them.
I told him that if it was me standing, that
time would be too long. But since Christ is the one in charge of my
spirituality he could wait for as long as he wished.
Incidentally, after the attachment, over a half
of the ones who used to attend fellowship stopped. By the end of the course,
only four of us were still professing our faith. The rest fell by the wayside.
I am not writing this so you think that I was
any special than any of those who fell by the wayside. I am writing to let you
appreciate the essentials that made me stand amidst that history.
The first thing is that after responding to
God’s call in my life God created in me such a hunger for His word that I was
able to read the New Testament in that one month. I was able to complete
reading the Bible in a few months. And I have been consistent in that over the
years, reading at times up to three times in a year.
The second is that God sent a couple to get me
into the discipleship journey.
That is what kept me in focus.
Over the years people have said that the faith
of youth is like a fire from stubble. And as someone who responded to God’s
call as a teenager, I know that the statement is not way off the mark.
However, allow me to quickly add that God knew
that when He released His word. He knows that when He calls young people into
His service. He knew when creating people and made those phases a part of who
we are.
How does stubble burn?
Very quickly and then runs its cause unless a
wind carries some flecks of that fire elsewhere to ignite other fires.
It would be impossible to cook food requiring a
consistent amount of heat with stubble because of its sporadic nature.
But stubble is not useless. It is immensely
useful in the making of a fire.
Stubble ignites very fast, making it ideal for
starting fires and flaming heavier wood.
Before paraffin became easily available, it was
nigh impossible to start a fire without using stubble.
That young people’s fire is therefore important
for the kingdom.
But it would be folly to count only on stubble to
cook for your visitors.
In case you have forgotten, I am dealing with
the topic of stunted revival with Jonah as our fall guy.
Young people easily become ablaze for the cause
of Christ. They can be passionate about soul winning. They can burn for the
lost. They can blaze very brightly against sin and sinful tendencies in church.
But not for long.
Let me get us back to some of us who blazed beyond
that stubble season.
We were stubble, alright. But we had something
else, a fuel that went deeper than the stubble. A fuel that made that stubble
run for longer than normal. A fuel that slowly transformed that stubble into the
trunks we are now as elders.
And even in these times, the youth need that
kind of backdrop so that they do not become statistics for other generations to
You see, that fuel made it possible for us to
be kicked out of churches and fellowships and still continue serving God, the
same thing that quenched the fire of the others.
We were able to go for retreats and camps and
missions on our own without the fear many have about unsupervised young people
of the opposite sex together. Yet today we see churches needing to employ
security when a church has overnight prayers otherwise the whole compound will
be littered with condoms after those prayers.
I dare say that this was the same thing that
made Daniel and his three friends stand out when the other princes gave in.
In the first year of his reign I Daniel
understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came
to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the
desolations of Jerusalem. (Daniel 9:2)
Danies did not stumble on a random revelation. He
had been consistent in his study and obedience to the scriptures to have been
able to realise that the time for the restoration was due.
This is the thing that made Joseph remain
relevant in a heathen place alone for thirteen years before his elevation.
It is the same thing that made Ezra shine in
his leading of that restoration.
For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law
of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments. (Ezra 7:10)
However, since we do not determine the who’s
and how’s and when’s of God’s setting aflame His vessels, we really do not have
the luxury of time in preparing these young men to enable them function beyond
their stubble season.
We will disciple those we can. We are supposed
to disciple them by Christ’s command.
But will we be able to disciple the ones God
rescues and calls from the drug and whore houses? Will we be able to disciple
those God called in prison? Will we be able to disciple those he calls from
false religions?
Paul started ministry immediately after his conversion.
Apollos was ministering before he properly understood the Gospel. Lydia started ministering as proof of her
When will they be discipled? How will they get
Paul needed Barnabas. Apollos needed Aquila.
And Lydia needed Paul.
Probably that is the reason God had me write
about elders before giving me this message.
They will need someone who understand their
fire. They need someone who can accommodate their fire. And they need someone
who can channel that fire to God glorifying ends.
Something is happening with our young people,
or what is being called Gen Z.
Before they occupied the streets in protest
against the government in Kenya, I had been seeing one then another preaching
the Gospel, one in a bus, another in a public place…
The devil is just seeking to divert that fire
to his own rotten agenda because he knows and has seen that God is releasing an
army for the nations in these youngsters.
As he did with Jonah, he wants to transfer that
energy to unrelated pursuits. He wants to shift that passion to earthly agendas.
In short, he wants that stubble to blaze to
extinction without accomplishing anything of eternal value.
Where are the elders to capture that blaze?
Where are the elders to direct that blaze to the accomplishing of God’s agenda?
I want to stand to be counted. I want to be an available
elder to these Gen Z zealots with the call of God in their hearts. I want to be
available to answer their many questions. I want to be available to speak for
them when their churches want to kick them out and look for an alternative if
that fails. I want them to feel free to serve God as He has called them and not
as He called me.
Young people with God’s call on you, do not
lose hope. God wants to use you. God will use you.
And I will stand with you because I know how
difficult it is for established religion to accommodate God’s fresh call.
I am available to grow with you in your call.
Who else is with me?
I do not want to be a Jonah to Gen Z.
I want their fire to blaze through many other
Can we have a team of elders sold out to this?
Can we get together?
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