Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. (Matthew 7: 21 – 23)
I want us to
look at the aspect of a minister stepping aside from active ministry and
explain why it is so difficult. Why many ministers decide to come out of
retirement to take back the positions they had willingly and legally
surrendered. And why many change church constitutions to ensure they will serve
until they die when they realise that even ever-shifting the retirement age
always catches up with them.
Allow me to
become vulnerable for the purpose of this message.
The other day I
was looking at my ministry, and especially support since God ordered me to
‘retire’ from active ministry and settle away from the action.
Four years ago,
I paid rent, bought all the food, paid fare every day and still was educating
my children. And I did not have any debts.
I was producing
and giving out my books, producing and giving Audio Bibles and doing a lot of
other money intensive ministry. And as you may know I do not raise support.
Today, I do not
pay any rent, I rarely travel, do not buy all my food (not all the time since
my garden is small), and the family is small since many are now out in pursuit
of education.
Yet I now have
some debts and at times really strain to put food on the table.
I remember
during the Covid fiasco I had three children in high school. Remember when they
would be in school for two weeks and then go for midterm or holiday.
The fare alone
that was required for that drama was huge since they all schooled far from
Yet God always
provided, not only the fares, but the fees and other related expenses.
Last year, God
ordered me to stop sending out any ministry reports since as we know they can
be the prompts for people to continue ‘remembering’ me.
God still
provides. But it is a trickle compared to the support I enjoyed when I was
God still meets
needs, but how He does it now is incomparable to how He did it when I was
I am not
complaining at all. I want to give the context to my message.
A minister not
only has a message. He is many times the embodiment of that message.
That is the
reason Christ became flesh and dwelt among us.
God is taking me
through this to enable me help ministers who are struggling with letting go,
especially to allow them to understand why they must let go for God to launch
them into their new season.
And I have
started with my favourite verses so that we can face the reality of our
You see, those
ministers go to hell probably because they continue doing when they were
ordered to stop. They continue functioning in the field they had been ordered
to leave.
That is what I
want us to look at.
To most people,
visibility is the only evidence for ministry. Sadly, it is true even for
Activity and
visibility therefore take the position of growth and obedience.
For example,
have you ever heard of someone looking for an intercessor to support? Yet we
know that the intercessory ministry is a pillar in any successful ministry.
Simply because
the intercessor will always be found in a closet, hidden from all except God.
Very few
believers pray concerning their giving. They are always looking for visual
clues concerning their giving, meaning that the more flowery the display the
more convinced they will be to support.
It also explains
why most foreign mission organisations and churches find it easier to support
conmen who are adroit at making beautiful and visually enticing reports and
appeals than a genuine minister in the gutters transforming society, one life
after another.
Our faith never
leaves the surface and so can never deal with real issues for the most part.
That is what
this minister is faced with when considering retirement or when like God did
with me is called to become a Biblical elder.
Since he knows
the rules he has played by all his life, he is scared to death (probably beyond
death) when he is faced with that kind of oblivion.
Since he used to
completely forget the people before him who retired, he knows without doubt
that he will be forgotten as soon as he leaves that office or pulpit.
A pulpiteer gets
more than that salary (or whatever his structure calls it). There are loaded
envelopes they get after praying or dedicating this or the other. There are
those gifts, some huge, some not so huge, that a member is prompted (many times
from the pulpit) to give. And those extras are many times more than the salary.
Now all those
will disappear, simply because he had taught his congregation to give by sight.
I hope you are
getting me this far.
Allow me to give
another observation using public officers and politicians.
Ever realised
how rare it is for a politician to bounce back after a defeat, only four or
five years later?
You see, when
one is in office, there are very many unofficial perks he will enjoy by virtue
of that position.
He then learns
to live in that new reality.
When he exits
that position, not only do the official perks stop, the unofficial ones, which
are many times more than the official ones, dry IMMEDIATELY.
Not only that.
His position ensured that he was surrounded by friends and partners from
morning to night. His phone never stopped ringing from all those people looking
to benefit from his position.
Now nobody looks
for him. In fact, even his closest friends start running away from him because
he has become worthless in their mathematics. None of all those who were
calling him at every pretext receive his calls or respond to his texts.
He has all of a
sudden become worthless and invisible to everybody.
The saddest part
is that in the drive to endear themselves to him, they had gradually alienated
him from his real friends who loved him for who he was and so could tell him
what he needed to hear.
He is therefore
left all alone in the world.
There was this
time I used to frequent this high-end hotel where the who is who frequented.
It was very sad
seeing all these past political and civil service bigwigs looking so despondent
and lonely, having their cup of tea all alone.
Though I am
writing about a politician and senior civil servant, I know this is also about
a senior pastor and bishop somewhere.
They have seen
it and do not want to risk it since they know without doubt that this is what
they have packaged for themselves. He who lives by the sword will die by the
That is the
reality about retirement from the worldly side.
But why will
those who refuse to exit go to hell?
There is a
position for strength and a position for wisdom.
Why was Eli
unable to correct his sons? Why was Samuel unable to deal with his sons? Why
couldn’t David deal with Amnon, Absalom, Adonijah? Why did he need to transfer
the judgment of Joab and Shimei to Solomon?
Again, you will
allow me to use me. And I do so because I have been in ministry since my
The way I used
to deal with sin is completely different from the way I do it in my old age.
Have I softened
my resistance? Of course not.
I am even more
resistive because I have seen the consequences as I have been growing. I have
seen the dangers of sin beyond the commandment.
But I have
become softer in my approach. I am less antagonistic because I have learnt
through experience that there are more effective methods of dealing with sin,
one of them being testimonies.
And he said
unto them, Why do ye such things? for I hear of your evil dealings by all this
people. Nay, my sons; for it is no good report that I hear: ye make the LORD'S
people to transgress. If one man sin against another, the judge shall judge
him: but if a man sin against the LORD, who shall intreat for him? (1Samuel 2: 23 – 25a)
Eli had
overstayed his position. He was therefore dealing with his sons like a
counsellor instead of leader. Because that is what his age could do.
That is the
direct danger of postponing your retirement for the perks. The sharp edges of
authority become smoothed out to the point of ineffectiveness that we see with
I have written
extensively about inter generational ministry transfer.
From the
scriptures, a spiritual leader does not transfer leadership to his children,
but to the generation between his and his children’s. This is the generation
that will transfer the same to his children.
Let me explain.
A priest served
from thirty to fifty years according to God’s order to Moses.
For this priest
to hand over his position to his sons, he must have gotten married and started
getting children in his teenage, even before getting into the priestly
position. And that is a rarity.
This then means
that he will retire and hand over to somebody not from his loins, though a
Another dynamic
we must examine is the possibility of a father handing over to his son.
It is very
difficult for a father to relate to his grown children with the authority he
would have with an outsider. And we have enough examples in the scriptures,
beginning with the few I have mentioned.
Stretch that
beyond fifty and it becomes even more difficult.
We use the rod on
our small children. But we will talk with our mature sons more or less as
equals since our empire is legally theirs.
That it is close
to an abomination for a pastor or bishop to hand over his church or ministry to
his children because that is the clearest indication that the said institution
was personal property since that is why it was inherited.
Unless the said
son had grown elsewhere and had other spiritual heritage. In short, he had
developed his spiritual stature elsewhere.
But a disciple
is something else. This is someone you have developed and watched gaining
spiritual stature. You have transferred your spirit to him as Elijah did with
Elisha and so can be sure he will take the ministry even higher than you could
The fear of
retirement is therefore tied to the failure of ministers of discipling anybody
because they fear the disciple taking over from them since the disciple will be
just like them.
Allow me to say
this as an aside.
Our president is
a miracle worker. And you will allow me to explain what I mean.
He was able to,
in less than two years, transform the intense love people had for him to the
opposite. People who were ready to lose everything to get him the position are
now ready to lose everything to get him out of it.
I have said that
I blame the spiritual leaders for that and have explained in some past posts.
enough, all these spiritual ‘fathers’ are past retirement, which is very
Old age does not
confront. It uses other methods to correct. And that is why they are called
elders and not leaders.
The error is
that our spiritual elders took the role of spiritual leaders because they have
refused to exit the scene, leading to the discontent and pain we are
experiencing today.
I am convinced
that it could have been completely different had we had young prophets in that
season since they could not have been scared of speaking truth to power and
populace concerning the choices being made.
Even looking at
prophets will confirm this.
Jeremiah in his
younger years was being sent to one place or the other. But in his later years
we see him sending Baruch with his messages, sometimes having him write them
down. Much later we see him being approached for prayer and guidance.
And we see the
same with Elisha.
How does that
align with your ministry?
You will see the
same when you read Paul’s letters and can just by glancing through them know
his age when he wrote them due to the way he was dealing with issues.
There is
something I think is important for me to say.
The elder’s
passion for what he has been called does not wane though it might appear so. It
probably increases, only that earlier methods stop being employed.
Remember Samuel
hacking Agag to pieces?
It is only that
age has tempered that passion and narrowed its release.
Mzee, do not be
deceived to continue holding on that position against what God is saying.
Listen to the God who called you to that position and do what He says since the
people advising you against leaving are selfish leeches keen on benefitting
from your rebellion without caring what God is telling you.
And even the
great reduction of support serves another purpose in God’s scheme of things as
I am learning. Again, allow me to give an illustration.
Suppose someone
left a sports car with you and told you that you could use it for the month he
will be away?
How many will
leave it sitting there in the garage because they have another car or are busy?
That is what
happens with money.
In retirement,
God is training us to slow down. And money is like that sports car.
It is hard to
difficult to have plenty of money and not create avenues to use it.
God will
therefore slow the provision to give us space to learn to listen more as we are
slowing down.
I am sure that
after learning the lessons, He will then release the provision to enable me to
effectively function in my new position.
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