Monday, 12 February 2024

Belligerent Rebellion 2

I want to say something small about rebellion.

Rebellion seeks to intimidate people into submission. Looking at the world in our time confirms this.

Remember the most recent health ‘crisis’?

Why was it wrong to not believe the official narrative? Why was it wrong to give counter evidence or arguments? Why did almost all the presidents who differed with the narrative die mysteriously? And why did the disease die immediately Russia invaded Ukraine?

Look also at the war in Ukraine. I have been listening to the news about EU offering a lot of money for that war effort. However, Hungary had too many questions about the delivery of that much money in the way they intended to give it that they vetoed the decision.

From the news outlets, Hungary was ‘sat on’ for a month until they agreed with the rest.

Nobody outside those boardrooms knows what finally snapped Hungary into submission. But days prior to the summit where they so quickly withdrew their veto it was very clear to news outlets that the EU had threatened to bring Hungary’s economy down if they had persisted in their resistance.

I am writing this to give us a context of what rebellion is about.

Like I have written in the earlier posts about rebellion, rebellion is never content to fight alone. Though very noisy, it is not a noise of victory but a coward’s roar to intimidate.

Remember Satan roaming like a roaring lion?

It is to give whoever is around the sense that they are already defeated, that the roar indicates victory when in actual fact it indicates otherwise.

Or have you forgotten that the gates of hell (where the devil is roaring from) cannot prevail against the forward march of an obedient church. Yet many believers are made to live as if the devil is the one in charge of the world instead of God. Their focus on the evil one many times completely dwarfs God’s majesty and power.

Yet that is the reality for far too many believers. Their single focus on fighting the evil one and all his power elevates him to a position far higher than he actually is.

I listen to prayers many pray and wonder whether they know who God is.

From binding to nullifying to casting this or the other, you will realise that a good percentage of their prayer is actually not a prayer but a response to the activities of the evil one. No wonder they live defeated lives, however much they would want others to believe otherwise.

You see, real prayer is addressed to God. True petition is Godward. How the devil features in them is a mystery only the devil can unveil.

Neither Jesus nor His disciples at any time focused on the work of the devil unless he directly resisted them. Jesus never bound or cast the Sadducees or Herodians who behind the scenes were plotting His crucifixion.

He simply taught the word.

We do not take our battle to the evil one unless we are breaking those gates of hell or the devil is resisting our forward march of giving glory to God. And that is what I see God’s servants doing wherever you look in the Bible.

No servant of God looked for a confrontation with the forces of evil. The confrontations happened because the forces of evil were blocking the forward march of God’s agenda. And they will always resist us when we are living right.

It is my obedience that will attract the forces of evil

Being fixated on the evil one and his schemes is clear evidence that I am not living right, at least not according to Biblical revelation. It means that I am not reading God’s script, meaning I am reading from the evil one’s script because he has intimidated me.

Why should I focus on a defeated foe when the Bible clearly tells me that those with me are more (and of course more powerful) than those against me?

Why should I waste my time understanding the wiles of the enemy when knowing God is the greatest victory against him?

Rebellion seeks to intimidate because it knows that it has no chance of victory unless it can raise its army through deception, an especially through intimidation.

Sennacherib and his tirade against Hezekiah is one clear example of what I mean.

Do not waste any time on the evil one. Do not listen to the threats from a defeated foe.

Focus on the finished work of Christ on the cross and its implications on your life and live according to that revelation.

Otherwise rebellion will bully you into submission

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