Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Woman 3

Many have so far dismissed me as anti-women.

I will be comfortable if I was called an anti-feminist since I consider their narrative anti scripture.

Today I want us to look at an aspect I have written about quite some.

Because you listened to your wife.

I will also take that to the relationship between God and us for better clarity.

What does it mean to listen to your wife?

The first implication is willingly allowing your wife to be in charge of your decision making. It means allowing your wife to lead you. Whether from the front or behind is immaterial.

That is why it is wrong.

However, since the marital relationship is a type of the relationship between God and man, I feel it is prudent to give some scriptural examples of how it appears.

Remember Lot?

He was ordered to flee Sodom and basically disappear from sight (my words)

What then does he do?

He sees a town nearby and thinks it is a much better idea than fleeing to the mountains as God was ordering. He therefore pleads to be allowed to stop his journey there.

We know that God gave in to his plea.

What then happens?

He discovers that his was not really a good idea and even feared for his safety and goes to live in a cave with his daughters since his wife had been turned into a pillar of salt for looking back.

What then happens?

Incest. Since their idea had had no foresight as they had no idea what lay ahead.

Moab and Amon are the products of God listening to Lot. Of course we remember Balaam.

The second one (and I will not add more as I might make you tipsy turvy and dizzy as I challenge your favorite Bible heroes) is Hezekiah.

God sees that Hezekiah has completed his assignment on earth and tells him as much.

But the king is not content and asks God to revisit that decision.

Again we see God listening to him and adding him fifteen more years.

If we stopped there, it would be a most satisfactory conclusion. But it doesn’t.

We are told that he became proud. Isn’t that what happens to anyone when their boss accedes to his voice?

The worst part is that in that season he produced Manasseh, the most wicked king Judah ever had. The king who drove God to the point of exiling Judah.

Yet I am not saying that God does not listen to us or act as per our pleas.

It boils down to the reason for the same.

He will always listen to us if we are pursuing His glory. He will accede if we will be more useful tools in His scheme of things.

Joshua stopped the sun and moon for almost twenty-four hours. Samuel called on thunder and rain in the dry season. Elijah called for a famine, then a fire to consume his sacrifice. And many, many others.

Therein lies the difference.

When my request is driven by my desire to increase His visibility (for lack of a better word), He is bound to positively respond to it.

When my request is driven by my own desire, however genuine or spiritual that desire may be, He is bound to reject it. Unless I overstretch my bounds like Balaam and the two I have mentioned did.

Remember Moses was very close to God to the point that God Himself said they spoke face to face. Yet his request to get into the Promised Land was denied. In fact God told him to never mention it again. It was for Moses’ good that he was denied that request since we see him severally snatching Israel from the jaws of destruction after they sinned through his pleas.

Let us get to man now.

Adam is the first and I will not even look at it since it is evident.

Abraham listened to Sarah’s interpretation of God’s promise to him and married Hagar. Islam and the whole instability of the Middle East is one direct product of that.

Moses listened to his wife and refused to circumcise his second born and we see him almost getting killed.

Solomon listened to his wives and almost nullified David’s promise. Yet God had appeared to him twice.

Ahab listened to his wife and became the most wicked king Israel had.

What am I saying?

I am not saying that we close our ears from the voices of our wife. I am clearly saying that the man is wholly answerable to God for any decision his family makes. It therefore behooves him to make sure his wife’s voice does not in any way interfere with what God had spoken or was speaking to him.

It is illogical to agree to share decisions equally if we will not share the consequences equally. It is foolish to give someone leeway in my decisions when they will be nowhere around the scene when I am facing the music for those decisions.

And from Paul’s letters we can see it very clearly. The husband is the head while the wife is the rest of the body. That is the analogy he uses and it agrees with how Christ operates with the church.

We are not equal partners with Christ. He owns us. We do not govern with Him. We will govern under Him and through Him. We therefore cannot make any decisions outside His authority. We are not even allowed to make decisions except under His authority.

That is what Numbers 30 is saying. And it is the same thing Paul was saying when he was forbidding a woman to speak in church. That is the whole point of him and Peter addressing dressing for the woman in their letters.

A woman should be under authority.

Though a woman is not dumb, she is given authority to speak by her submission to her husband.

I know I have hit very hard on some of you.

But please interact with the scriptures and ask God for revelation concerning this since I am not the custodian of truth also. I am simply sharing what God has prompted me to share.

You are as usual allowed to disagree with me. But let us only use the scriptures in our disagreement.

God bless you


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