I will look at another aspect in this topic. And that is the roles we read in the New Testament.
We are looking at a complete man. Or the man
who was complete before he got married as opposed to a man whose completion
came about as a result of getting married.
I am in no way writing of that man who is
subservient to anything or anyone else apart from God.
It is about that complete man; this man who is
clear about why he was created and is living in that reality. It is about a man
whose masculinity is not in question and whose leadership in any realm he is
released into is evident.
Many living under the deceptions of the modern
world will call such a man a male chauvinist though nothing can be farther from
the truth.
A male chauvinist is an insecure male who must
push his weight around to gain respect.
A complete man on the other side is a man who
is safe in God to act ONLY as God through His word instructs. It is a man who
unlike Adam and many other men of the Bible will constantly stop listening to
his wife or giving in to her whims when it is against God’s word. It is a man
who values his relationship with God way above his relationship with his wife
and so puts her in her place all the time.
His love for his wife is tempered by his
commitment to God.
To many this is more than a mouthful.
But you will allow me to stain some of those
Bible women who have been so cherished by our modernity by calling them
unsavory names.
Allow me to go to the New Testament first
because that is what the modern error is presumably anchored.
The relationship between a wife and her husband
is compared to the one between Christ and the church.
Let me ask the first question.
Is Christ equal to the church? Who owns who?
Who is accountable to who?
Christ owns the church since He bought her with
His own blood.
We love talking about the man sacrificing for
his wife yet refuse to call on the woman to be unquestionably submissive to her
husband. Nobody ever wants to quote the part that says a wife should submit to
her husband in everything.
We are therefore placing all the
responsibilities on the man without placing any on the woman. We want the woman
to be a joint manager in an enterprise without placing any accountability on
He is supposed to co-rule with his wife yet he
is the only one accountable for any mistakes that will result from that
We see that most clearly with Jezebel. She
shared the seal with Ahab but not the judgment. David shared adultery with
Bathsheba but not the punishment yet she was the one who ought to have been
punished because she is the one who not only tempted David, she also willingly
went to his palace when in the law she was supposed to scream if it had been a
rape. Again, she was the one who prompted David to kill her husband.
The truth is that she was a gold digger if that
term existed then. Or do we not even see her pushing him to again go against
scripture in making her son, who was among the youngest of David’s sons, to
ascend the throne?
I am sure I have offended some but I will not apologize.
We should just deal with the facts as the Bible has presented them to us.
Another gold digger in David’s life was
Abigael. That is what her story reeks of.
What was she doing with a fool all those years?
Why did she submit to him until a better man came along? How did she even get
hitched to him? And why was she so quick in being David’s wife? Whom did she
leave the fool’s children with? Did she qualify as a suitable helper to this
I am not saying Nabal was not a fool. I am
simply saying that his wife was a schemer who took advantage of his folly to
hatch a plan to move to a man with better prospects. She had probably moved to
Nabal for his money and nothing else.
I know I am a very bad man. That explains why
Christ died for me.
I therefore do not shy at talking about things
people are scared to say because that is the kind of call I am walking in.
Look at what Peter is saying
Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your
own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be
won by the conversation (behavior) of their wives; while they behold your
chaste conversation coupled with fear (1 Peter 3: 1, 2)
He goes on to talk about Sarah calling Abraham
And this is not he Old Testament or even Paul’s
Allow me to highlight something.
From the passage I have picked from, the tenor
of it appears as if the wife should treat her husband like a military
commander, otherwise the word fear could not have been there. Or even lord.
Incidentally Peter is first talking about a
wife who seeks to win her husband to the faith she is in. That is the
evangelistic tool she has at her disposal ultimate submission. That is why I mentioned
Numbers 30 in the last post
And we wonder why women are all over fasting
and praying and binding this or the other demon for years without it having the
smallest dent on their unbelieving husbands. We wonder why we have women
pastors and bishops whose husbands are never found anywhere near to their
ministry base. We wonder why women are unable to lead their children to their
The spiritual nature cannot be swayed by our
agreements and interpretations. We either live according to it or suffer the
We love pushing the narrative of a husband
surrounding his wife with love and care but willfully forget the other aspect
which I think is even more important
Sanctifying her by the word.
The man should lead his wife into a more godly
life; a more surrendered life to Christ’s revelation.
Why is a woman not permitted to teach or even
speak in church? It is for that simple reason. She is under authority. That role
belongs to her husband.
That also explains why she is instructed to ask
her husband at home if she needs an answer for something.
I know I am treading very dangerous waters but I
know you will allow me to continue sharing what the Bible teaches the way it
Allow me to add another aspect so that you can
justifiably treat me a complete wet blanket.
The husband is called the head of the wife even
as Christ is the head of the church.
What is the role of the head? What is the role
of the body?
Do you realise that of the five human senses,
only one is on the body; the sense of feeling?
Again, what is the role of the body? Is it not
to respond to the leading of the head since it has all the other senses?
And since marriage is a type of the
relationship between Christ and the church, can we draw parallels from the way
we relate with our Lord?
A good wife should be like an obedience
Christian. This in effect means that a good Christian woman must be a
completely submitted wife. And I mean to her husband, not to a spiritual conman
under any guise.
On the other hand, the husband must also be a man
of immense spiritual growth and maturity. He must be a man totally sold out and
obedient to Christ as his Lord and not to anything or anybody else, even his
wife, especially his wife.
A wishy-washy man who worships the floor on
which his wife treads is a great shame to the cause of Christ. A man who will
not make any decision or respond to any call unless and until his wife agrees with
it will face the judgment Ahab faced.
What am I saying?
Men must sharpen their craving for spiritual things.
They must learn to listen and obey Christ’s voice. They must be mature in
spiritual things.
It is impossible to lead unless you are being
led by Christ.
Remember the centurion in Luke 8?
I am under authority. I command.
A man not completely surrendered to Christ will
have problems commanding his wife because he simply does not understand what a
command is.
A man who treats Christ’s commands like
suggestions will not really know when his wife is obedient or not since he
thinks he is also offering suggestions.
And a wife who is not completely submitted to
her husband can never enjoy the cover a real husband can offer because he is
one of the many voices she listens to.
As usual I will not finish this as I want you
to go to the scriptures and their Author for the complete teaching. But I am open
for interaction.
But allow me to repeat what I wrote in the
earlier post.
A man is complete before he gets married. And he
is complete when he gets married. A wife does not complete the man, at least
according to scripture
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